Celebrating an Embarrassment – Unabashedly – IOTW Report

Celebrating an Embarrassment – Unabashedly

While statues of historical figures are being pulled down by the left, this is what they are erecting.

See this celebration? See the statue way in the back left?

That’s right. They are honoring MARION BARRY!!! A D.C. mayor caught on video doing crack in a hotel room with a whore.

He went to prison, then was reelected because, apparently, he was the best of the best in D.C.

This is absurd. This is a national embarrassment.

ht/ annie


32 Comments on Celebrating an Embarrassment – Unabashedly

  1. I hope that this is Marion Barry’s last erection. This should be attached to a bill taking back home rule from the natives and returning it to Congress. Things will really get crazy in this place if legalized marijuana is passed.

  2. You can be a national disgrace and laughingstock and still get a statue.

    Meanwhile the same crowd want to tear down statues of confederate generals and founding fathers.

    We really do need two countries. We have nothing in common with them. I demand a divorce.

  3. Today Washington, D.C. Is celebrating crack day. With the taxpayers money. This is a fuc disgrace that this mother fuc got a statue for going to prison, and to do crack .and the negros think that this is funny celebrating shit like this no wonder Washington, D.C. Is infected with this bull shit . This is a bad example for kids in that area.. It’s looks to me like Bill was in the pic I can be wrong but it looks like him. If that is that mother fuc . He finds time to go to that but not time to go to Billy Graham funeral just like the bush, and carter, Hussein.

  4. Crack, hookers and jail. Well, he did accomplish more things that did less damage to D.C. than most politicians.

    Incidentally, why does the statute have pants?

  5. Barry’s African home, “Zimbabwe has a ‘big’ problem with Chinese-made condoms. The African Nation’s health minister,David Parirenyatwa, says rubbers imported from Asian country are ‘too small’ for men in his homeland.
    Pirirenyatwa made the complaint at an international HIV prevention event- prompting the condom manufacturer Beijing Daxiang to announce a plan to add larger sizes.”
    New York Post, March 3, 2018, p19.
    I submit this just to keep you people in fly-over country up to snuff on WHF is going on around the world.

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