A fat acceptance activist fights with Cancer Research Charity on Twitter – IOTW Report

A fat acceptance activist fights with Cancer Research Charity on Twitter

DANGEROUS: A fat acceptance activist and feminist comedian has sparked mass derision on Twitter after accusing Cancer Research UK of fat-shaming.

Sofie Hagen, 29, took offense to a recent ad campaign of Cancer Research UK, a well known charity in Britain, which simply stated the fact that obesity is a cause of cancer. Sofie tweeted angrily that she wanted the advert removed:


This caused Cancer Research to respond to her in an attempt to explain that their intention isn’t to “make anyone feel bad about their weight” but instead aim to “raise awareness of the link between cancer and obesity” as obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer.

But Hagen (-Dazs) proceeded to double-down in true SJW fashion and accuse the campaign of being “so incredibly damaging that I can’t even begin to describe it in 280 characters.” Sofie made the claim that “Society viewing fatness as a negative thing is a thing that kills more than the cancer,” though no citation was given.

She also stated that “DIETING has been proved TIME AND TIME again to be one of the worst thin that you can do to your body” before calling the campaign “fatshaming” and hoping that it gets taken down.

She then attempted to EDUCATE A CANCER-RESEARCH CHARITY by linking them to an article discussing fat bodies and health. KEEP READING

25 Comments on A fat acceptance activist fights with Cancer Research Charity on Twitter

  1. Wow. AA and I have been swapping info on the Keto diet and general health. This afternoon she sent me an email proclaiming cancer cells consume 10 times the amount of sugar as healthy cells. Awesome info.

  2. I’m down to 170 from 206, and the only thing I did was stop eating so much. A little self control goes a long way, but I guess it’s easier for fat girl to act like a victim instead of actually putting the fork down.

  3. I highly recommend ‘The Case Against Sugar’ by Gary Taubes. His other books are excellent also.

    Back to the cranky crunt. This is a great response someone wrote her:
    ‘Cancer has made me feel a lot shitter than you looking at a fucking sign on your way to Gregg’s.’

    Ten tons of fun is writing a book about why it’s ok to be fat. Due for Spring 2019 release. That ought to be a laugh a minute.

  4. Another book, “The Milk Book” I think the author is William Campbell Douglas. It goes back about 30 years but is still current in the sense that he is not pleased with the AMA, the dairy industry and Big Drugs in general. If you read it you will think twice about what you eat and drink.

  5. BB — Just for the record, I didn’t get cancer from being fat! LOL! But I do find it a little more than interesting that cancer cells have 10X’s the glucose receptors as healthy cells. Now why is that, I wonder? Could it be that cancer uses glucose (produced from consumption of every kind of sugar and the conversion of simple carbs) to “live”? That is the preliminary finding of researchers. Humans were not built to carry excessive weight, nor to consume the amount of sugar/carbs we are eating. It’s that simple.

    There are way too many diseases associated with overweight and obesity, including cancer, to ignore the health risks of it. So this woman wants the world to turn on her own axis?

  6. @Joe6pak…The China study is another book related to dairy products that’s informative.

    Regarding Sofie, she’s just cranky because she’s hungry, someone get her a bushel of corn. Problem solved.

  7. Even Steven — By my calculations that’s over 16 pounds a month. Sounds like you “cut back” to water and toothpicks! LOL!


  8. I travelled often last year for business. My belt and shirt size kept going up. Finally I said enough is enough. I went to the doctor and found I have high sugar, and probably graduated from pre-diabetes to type 2.

    I have been watching my diet for 2 months and I go to the gym daily. When eating out, I learn to stop when I have had enough. I never eat when I am not hungry. I also stopped beer and alcohol (due to medication), ice cream, and most carbs.

    I have a ways to go, but I am now 225 pounds from 250 in 2 months. My goal is to get below 200 pounds, and hopefully off the medication, because I love craft beer.

    I just retired, so I have more time to exercise, as well as plan a healthy diet. Eating out 50% of the time will kill you.

  9. I too lost weight by nothing more than eating only when hungry/quit when full. No after dinner snacks. Since BB posted about kenogenic diet, I’ve been reading up and giving it a shot. Thanks for all the links!

  10. More on topic, comments-wise, has any one had any experience baking with xylitol, or with it in general? I love to bake, even more than I like to eat what I make. I would like to be able to eat some of it once in a while.

  11. @AA… I started cutting back about 14 months ago. I lost about two pounds a month with very little effort. I ate the same foods, just not as much as I had been. The pizzas were to blame, though. I love pizza, and I make great pizzas. I was bad about eating until I was too full, and I got fat. The last ones I made were at my parents’ house, and I was good and only ate a couple slices.

  12. @TheMule March 4, 2018 at 12:37 am

    > That’s just sloppy rhetoric.

    You think you’re going to win a logical argument with fat people over causality?

    Now that we’ve got an “edit” button, we need an “add the ‘Stop! I’m gonna’ pee!’ pic” button.

  13. @Eugenia March 4, 2018 at 12:46 am

    > Some dry white toast, Fo’ fried chickens and a Coke.

    Some dry white toast, Fo’ fried chickens and a diet Coke.


  14. My Dr. told me they might as well call it diabesity; they go hand in hand.
    It only makes sense that carrying around extra weight is going to be detrimental to health in more than one way.

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