France Discontinues Bike Sharing Program After They Discover Human Beings Don’t Act the Way They Do in Their Progressive Dreams – IOTW Report

France Discontinues Bike Sharing Program After They Discover Human Beings Don’t Act the Way They Do in Their Progressive Dreams

France 24

People wanting to get on their bikes in France have one fewer option for doing so after the hire service said Saturday it was closing following a welter of thefts and vandalism.

“It is with great sadness that we are officially announcing to our community the termination of service in France on 24 February 2018,” the Hong Kong-headquartered service said.

“Over the months of December and January, the mass destruction of our fleet has become the new entertainment of underaged individuals,” said, which had rolled out 2,000 two-wheelers in Paris alone and had some 150,000 users across France.

The company said that “more than a thousand bikes” had been stolen and almost 3,400 damaged nationwide, with almost 300 complaints filed to police and 6,500 repairs needed.


ht/ the big owe

22 Comments on France Discontinues Bike Sharing Program After They Discover Human Beings Don’t Act the Way They Do in Their Progressive Dreams

  1. France isn’t the only place where this is a disaster.
    I took a cab through downtown Dallas TX a few weeks ago at 6 AM, headed to the airport. There were bike share bikes strewn all over the streets and sidewalks and most of the racks that are where people are supposed to return them were empty.

  2. Progressives love to waste money on socialism – their “greater good”. There’s a leftist bike share in the southern city I live in and it’s not successful. It’s the bible belt so the bikes are mostly ignored and knocked over on occassion, but not vandalized. The GPS lojack system makes them difficult to steal, but a few of them were used as get away transportation in a couple of robberies. Nothing good happens when progressives are in charge.

  3. Progressives simply don’t read history! It seems like every generation of these boobs has to experience for themselves the failures of the past. This same program has failed everywhere it’s been tried for decades… just like Socialism!

  4. because in happy liberal SJW progressive world everyone is cuddly and trustful and sharing and never would dream of stealing or breaking anything (unless they are republicans). These people have never been to the other side of the tracks.

  5. The only slim chance of socialism actually working would require that everyone in the socialist enclave personally knows everyone else within the enclave and can hold them accountable. Even then, it’s subject to the whims of human proclivity.

  6. Laws can not change human nature in the long term. some short term results may seem to indicate change, but in the end basic human nature wins every time. (ref- see the gun control capital of the US= Chicago)

    You would think with the spectacular failure of the USSR that people would have learned. Socialism sounds great, yet it never works – just look at our most recent slow moving train wreck – Venezuela.
    It is simple human nature that we value what we own.
    We take care of that which belongs to us and no one else.
    When was the last time ANYONE ever changed the oil in a rental car?
    When was the last time you mowed the vacant lot two blocks over from your house?
    When was the last time anyone ever gave the local DMV maven a bouquet of flowers just because we appreciate her slow slow service?
    When was the last time that you clean up and repainted the box car art work that trundles by your car at the RR crossing?

    Eastern Europe and China are shinning examples of socialism and what happens to the environment when NO ONE owns the land except for the state.

    The same way we saw how great it was when obamacare took over healthcare here in the US, all of the care and concern for the patient of the IRS and all of the speed and quickness of the DMV. Aren’t you glad you gave her flowers just before your heart attack?

    MSG Grumpy

  7. Human nature. Several European city governments have tried offering free bike systems, including Amsterdam while I was there.
    It would seem a cool amenity. But they always wind up stolen or vandalized.

    And now the invading Muslim cockroaches make all these experiments unworkable.

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