Cameron Kasky- “the Second Amendment is a great defense that I’ve seen a lot, because they put it as if you’re attacking a right that they’re born with.” – IOTW Report

Cameron Kasky- “the Second Amendment is a great defense that I’ve seen a lot, because they put it as if you’re attacking a right that they’re born with.”

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dumbbell. It is a right that you’re born with.

Watch this idiocy—


39 Comments on Cameron Kasky- “the Second Amendment is a great defense that I’ve seen a lot, because they put it as if you’re attacking a right that they’re born with.”

  1. ‘I have a right to an IPhone … but dont’ taze me bro!’
    the total ignorance of today’s me-llinnials is absolutely astounding

    even scarier is that the fascists in media use these tools who actually believe they are profound

    “And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
    When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
    As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
    The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”

    … it’s coming children …. it’s coming

  2. These guys are suddenly famous for what? I guess we can assume that these guys would not survive basic training in the Marine Corp. Sorry for the 1 day of mayhem and that class mates died, but it seems to me that these guys are on a euphoric celebrity caving high that isn’t going to be over for a while. They seem to be over their own personal “trauma” given how much fun they seem to be having in behind the scenes photos at Ellen and on private jets.

    Has anyone vetted these kids for their GPA’s and test scores. I would feel much better being lectured to by one of them if they were going to an Ivy League School or Stanford via early decision rather than Broward College.

    Something says that we are going to see these guys in campaign ads and possibly at the DNC convention in 2020.

  3. What amazes me is the extreme narcissism, arrogance and hubris displayed by a bunch of spoiled brats who haven’t even existed for 2 decades and the majority of whose lives to this point have been spent wearing diapers and attending grade school. it usually takes career politicians or bureaucrats to be such smarmy, condescending, “unqualified for anything” assholes as these punks are. Sadly, I’m sure these kids are an accurate reflection of their parents and their twisted worldviews.

    I’m also amazed at the cognitive dissonance for this Kasky kid to spout off about accepting the apologies of all past generations for “f^#%ing the world up so badly” and how the moronic, self important, selfie obsessed, tide pod eating generation of “millennials” is going to “fix” the world.

    Too bad we can’t throw this progressive myrmidon into a time machine and have him taken back to a time when a child insulting his elders in such a manner would be summarily placed into stocks before being flogged to within an inch of his worthless existence so he could learn a little humility.

  4. Gaydar alert … aisle Kasky.
    Gaydar alert… aisle Kasky.

    Does it matter?
    In this respect it does….
    Many gays are simply leftist parrots. How he arrived at his opinions matters. If there is no thought behind them why does he get a forum? He’s not saying anything thought provoking. It’s just all moronic attacks.

  5. It wouldn’t bother me a smidgen if these two numb-nuts suffer the consequences of their ignorance in the future. But it worries me that a majority of those like them might drag my son, who is only a few years older, down with them.

    Oh, and – “attended my first Obama rally”. Really? First implies more than one. How many did he attend? Was he indoctrinated by our educational system, by his parents, or both?

  6. Not to worry. I think these guys look exactly like another Leftard “here, hold my beer” moment. What we’re seeing in these two, everybody is eventually going to see as well — if they aren’t, already.

    “This boy is Ignorance. …Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased.” ~C. Dickens

  7. That Maher corrected him almost immediately with, “But it IS, if you’re an American,” left me speechless.

    That the moron* parrotted the words back, as if that dismissed it, instead of utterly trashing his point, left me laughing.

    * I don’t think he’s a faggot; I think he’s just one of those soy boys who’s been taught to talk “that way” to *prove* he’s not a “toxic” male…almost worse.

  8. Hogg: I hung up on the WH. They called 1 day before the listening session, and I said “look, there are funerals the next day, there’s mourning we still have to do, and I ended on this message, I said, we don’t need to listen to President Trump. Pres Trump needs to listen to the screams of the children and the screams of this nation”. Applause line.

    Yet that didn’t stop their 24/7 continual loop talking point tour. And I’d like to see his cell ph with proof the WH called. Didn’t happen.

    Hogg: To be quite frank with you, we’re millennials and we love complaining more than any other generation.

    Kasky: Until you’ve been on the receiving end of an AR-15, you don’t know what you’re talking about. WE are the experts.

    Countless war heroes who died to preserve your right to spew ignorant rants would beg to differ. Then again, when your only major decision is which color jeggings look good under camera lights…..

    Kasky: To all the generations before us, we sincerely accept your apology. We appreciate that you are willing to let us rebuild the world that you f*cked up.

    Oh Camy, your determination & bravery, while sitting in a studio before like-minded libs, is such a valiant gesture to save us from ourselves. Thanks, but no thanks.

    Two ginormous posers, who’s 15 minutes expired 14 minutes ago.

  9. Liberal Logic 101; Raise the age to buy a rifle to 21 because you aren’t responsible and mature enough to own one at age 18 but lower the age to vote from 18 to 16 because you are responsible and mature enough to make decisions that will affect millions of other Americans.

    If high school age students are so wise and great at problem solving, why are high school age students responsible for most of the school shootings?

  10. But where are the heroes!? To man up! And save the country, this great country, from progressivism? Not from progressives, of course. They’re our countrymen. And we must convince them to worship us. For demanding that someone else man up, and save us. I mean them. We’re all in this together. Especially the deplorable proles that need to do the work I want done. Saving Muh Constitusion from Progressivism! One country under God. You know, some pansexual God, that the Progressives approve of. Now, once more, you proles! Into the breach! For FREEDOM!!

  11. When I reordered new checks last time, I had them print onto the front of the checks, “Progressivism is our enemy! Capitalism is social justice!” I also buy plenty of the Madonna and Child postage stamps and use them all year long.

  12. The greatest failing of the GOP was to sit back and do nothing while US hating, rights hating marxist vermin took over the schools and replaced the teachings of John Locke with those of Chairman Mao.

  13. Isn’t that Kasky kid the one that used his white privileged to talk down to the Hispanic Congress critter at the CNN townhall? Now he accepts our apologies for f##king up and freeing his family slaves. That’s mighty white of him.

  14. @TheMule March 4, 2018 at 12:41 pm

    > The greatest failing of the GOP was to sit back and do nothing

    But TheMule, what ever could they do? Everyone who opposed communism was white. Oh, I know, almost all of the communists could pass for white, as well. But that wouldn’t matter. People at the cocktail parties would whisper that you were racist. And, you know, that when it comes to the truth, it only matters what people think of you.

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