Haven’t Been to the Movies in 5 Years – Gonna Go See Death Wish – IOTW Report

Haven’t Been to the Movies in 5 Years – Gonna Go See Death Wish

Why am I going to go to a movie after 5 years?

Because of the “terrible” reviews.

Newsbusters has some gems-

“It has an unmistakable stink of rah-rah Make America Great Again-ness to it. It’s patriotic red meat thrown to the NRA crowd.”

There is no clear explanation as to why Roth decided today’s world needed to revisit the franchise’s ultra-right-wing dog whistling. Perhaps a George Zimmerman biopic fell apart due to rights issues, and this was the closest producers could get. Or maybe the cinema needs just that much more sickeningly sincere gun fetishization – they’ve certainly got an audience in Senator Marco Rubio, so that’s one ticket sold.

Do you expect me to tell you that the film is not the thin and cynical fever-dream of those who ache to be reassured that cities are cesspits, the police ineffectual, and, as one character (Len Cariou, what are you doing?) intones, “If a man wants to protect his own [cocks shotgun], he has to do it himself”? Because it is that. It is precisely that.


Black Panther is one of the most violent films currently in the theaters. What does one of the trashers of Death Wish, Barry Hertz,  think of Black Panther?


What does chithead, Death Wish hater, Justin Chang think of Black Panther?


What does chithead, Death Wish hater,  Glen Weldon think of Black Panther?



47 Comments on Haven’t Been to the Movies in 5 Years – Gonna Go See Death Wish

  1. This will be a box office hit, just to piss off the hypocritical Hollywood leftist bastards. I, too, will actually go see this at the theater.

    The first DEATHWISH was awesome, with Charles Bronson.

    This one has one of my favorites; Bruce Willis, who seems to remember that he is an entertainer, and delivers entertainment. I know he’s campy and I can see his humor and fun, but he does his job; entertains.

    I watch THE FIFTH ELEMENT over and over. I like his HOSTAGE, actually I like almost all of his movies. His TV show, MOONLIGHTING, was good, because of him.

  2. My kind of movie! It’s got it all, violence,guns, and above all vengeance. How refreshing after a long drought with nothing offered up but films about two queers falling in love.

  3. Me? All three of the original Death Wish movies are at my library. I don’t know if I’ve seen ’em all, but I will now. A popcorn party, with friends, screaming!

    There is something cathartic about gratuitous violence sometimes. Hell, I adored Django Unchained. My muscles relax. …smile.
    …Lady in Red

  4. The original was great. This seems to have a nice upgrade in firepower. Paul Kersey in therapy? Well I guess a little political correctness had to sneak in. I’m in. It will also be my first in five years.

  5. Haven’t been in 20 years. Willis was the smart money choice, and he’s a hell of an actor. And conservative. Asshole Liam Neeson was considered, Ha. But, piss on Hollyweird.

  6. In the world of almost purely remakes and movies based on comic books it seems pretty intuitive someone would remake this old classic. How dare Eli Roth keep his remake true to the original and not LBGT it up, change the characters race/gender, or dumb it down with some liberal fantasy utopian BS.

  7. I can’t think of a better actor (Mr Bruce Willis) to carry on the mantle of Mr Charles Bronson. Anybody else (I.e., Liar Neeson) would have been a flop.

  8. I won’t be going to see this. No matter how much a movie appeals to me, going to a movie theater is a liberal thing to do. Especially because a majority of theaters are gun free zones.

  9. More proof the media hate us average white folks.
    – Extremely violent movie featuring blacks in control? Fantastic! Wonderful!
    – Extremely violent movie featuring an average white guy in control? Panties all in a wad!

  10. “Black Panther” is a wet dream for blacks… like “man if only it hadn’t been for whites, Africa would have been tech utopia”! Same as “Inglorious Bastards” was a zionist wet dream about rubbin out hitler…

  11. I saw Psych when I was too young so I wouldn’t watch anything that could upset me. I tried to teeth on other Hitchcock and stuck with them even though they gave me nightmares.

    Until Clint Eastwood’s movies debuted on TV, I clung to a naive comforting version of life as shown in old ’40s to 60s movies with the exception of the date night Bond movies. I had to watch Eastwood for obvious women reasons, plus DH is a taller version of him.

    After Eastwood, I was hooked. Bronson movies came next. Willis is right up there in my list. Must be their exuding testosterone that hooked me on the genre of good guys winning by weapon, brains and braun. We are going even though we hate going to theaters..

  12. @old_oaks:

    …a majority of theaters are gun free zones.

    Heh! Sure, they’re labeled gun-free, but concealed means concealed.

    While the “no guns” signs are a bit troubling, I usually just go in anyway. Armed.

  13. I have a wall of Bad-Asses on the east wall of my mancave. Autographed pictures of Clint Eastwood, Chuck Norris, John Wayne, Steve McQueen, and of course Bruce…ALL REPUBLICANS.

    Even my democrat pistol-packing wife can’t wait to see the new Death Wish.

    I’ll be wearing my concealed Diamondback 380 in the gun-free theater.

  14. @ Charlie Walks on Water and
    @ Bad Brad

    Unless you are wanted by the FBI, former lovers, etc or are now spitting images of your teen selves, I bet your teen pics are safe.

    I do understand. One of my nephews was pictured in a state’s outdoor enthusiasts magazine. (Hot, yes.)

    Some degenerate babe accused him of being her baby’s father. He would have been 10 at the time and lived 2000 miles away.

  15. @Charlie, funny you should say the movie is something T. Selleck would like. The guy who plays his dad in Blue Bloods plays Willis’ father in law in this and he is only in it a sort time but his lines are great.

  16. Can one of you go twice? Once for me, please. (I have no extra $$ laying around for this.)
    And when you get popcorn, use the butter machine thingy- About 10 pumps. lol. And salt!!! Thanks. And then get some chocolate almonds. Oh, and
    some diet Coke. But fill 25% of it with regular Coke, because diet Coke is just nasty. Thanks. And a hot dog. Mustard and ketchup, please. Or Nachos. Heavy on the cheese and jalapenos. Thanks. And tell me if I liked the movie. Please, and thank you. 😀

  17. Just back from Death Wish – first time in a movie theater in years. Well worth it. White people defending themselves against criminals – mostly hispanic. Go figure!

  18. I love Bruce Willis’ movies. Have all the Die Hard and both Red’s.

    But probably will have to skip this one. I have 3 daughters. Watching the beginning is the stuff of this mama’s nightmares.

  19. Some commiefaggjunkie editor, producer, potted plant abuser inserted progmemes in it somewhere. Trannies, jungle fever, hate-America, criminals can’t shoot straight, “registered” guns, whitey is evil but Africans aren’t, NRA is evil, Marxism is good, California is a beautiful paradise, all immigrants are legal and law abiding, only whitey is racist, all government teachers are overworked goodguys, etc.

    Why not send the cost of the ticket and refreshments to the GOA, Zelman Partisans or NRA instead.

  20. I haven’t been to a movie theater since Gran Torino and I went mostly to see a movie screen size M1. LOVE my M1s! Anyway, great Eastwood movie! And I enjoyed the Bronson “wishes”! I’ll be going to this one.

    Speaking of Bronson, if you haven’t seen Once Upon a Time In The West, get to it! Best ever!

  21. John Wayne consistently starred in some of the most popular moves for decades yet the Hollywood elites never excepted him as a serious actor. That tells all you need to know about them.

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