South Africa Due To Collapse – IOTW Report

South Africa Due To Collapse

White South Afrikaners are petitioning president Donald Trump to be recognized as refugees in order to get out ahead of the coming government land confiscation, which very well could include mass slaughtering and mass genocide.

White farmers are already being murdered at an increasing rate.


More than 12,000 people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to let white people in South Africa emigrate to the U.S. amid a vote by the country’s parliament favoring a motion that could see South Africa’s constitution amended to allow for land to be stripped from owners without any compensation.

The motion, which will still need the approval of the South African Parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee before an amendment can even be drafted, has once again stoked fears among the country’s white farmers of a violent and disastrous land redistribution akin to that which crippled Zimbabwe in the 2000s.

The online petition calls on Trump to “take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States.”


ht/ annie

35 Comments on South Africa Due To Collapse

  1. Seems to me that the handwriting was on the wall once the Mandela crime family took power decades ago.
    It was probably time to be proactive back then and sell off your stuff and emigrate to somewhere else.

    Now you’re a frog in a pot and the water is beginning to reach a boil.

  2. Better them than their savage oppressors. These people will appreciate a country that welcomes their work ethic, and they will contribute to our economy. South Africa is just a few years away from complete Shithole Status. White refugees fleeing black terrorists. Who could turn these people away? Only a racist!

  3. If it walks like a shithole, and talks like a shithole, and acts like a shithole, and stinks like a shithole it’s a shithole.

    ….— did I say shithole? Pardon my French.

  4. That’s what I don’t understand… why don’t they throw all of those black africans into the ocean with their heads stove in?

    FIGHT! KILL THEM! Why is this so hard?

  5. How about agreeing to take them – if they give their property to blacks in the US, and those blacks leave on a 1:1 basis.

    It would be good for both countries.

  6. When the white minority ceded control to the black majority, they had some genuine hope that South Africa was going to be a successful multiracial society. After all, it was in the blacks’ self interest to keep their very prosperous country in one piece. Very few of them left the country. Once Mandela passed from the scene, everything changed, and now the whites cannot escape with their assets. The mineral industry is holding up the country, while the rest of the infrastructure built during the years of white rule is rapidly falling apart. In another twenty years South Africa will have gone the way of Rhodesia. Of course, the blacks could come to their senses and stop the destruction of this beautiful, rich country. Just like they did in Detroit, Michigan.

  7. The Black Congressional Caucus is going to fight this the whole way….along with Joy Reid at MSNBC. The Left will say White Supremacy. The Left will loss either way. If the whites in South Africa are openly slaughtered and the Left blocks their flight to safety to Canada, Europe, the US, Australia and NZ, it will be an example of what will happen to the rest of the free world and will most likely have whites everywhere preparing for civil war in their own countries against immigrants, refugees and persons of color.

    Trump and others need to start formulating a strategy soon and let the ANC and others know what kind of response we will have both economically and militarily.

  8. I was in South Africa 9 years ago. As you drive from the airport into the city of Johannesburg, the skyline looks like any modern capital….glass high rises, etc. When we actually arrived in the heart of the city it was unbelievable…..very 3rd world! Asphalt roads which had been dug up at some point for underground repair work hadn’t been repaved. The offices of international companies who had been forced out due to anti apartheid sanctions had become ‘apartment buildings’, with laundry hanging out of the windows to dry, etc. The natives were roasting meat over empty 55 gallon drums on street corners right downtown……….it was a wild experience!

  9. Once they are gone the remaining Afrikaners will be eating as well as NK and Venezuela in short order…..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  10. People I know, including relatives, who worked and lived in Rhodesia and South Africa were never admirers of America.
    They actually felt superior before the shit hit the fan.

    I suggest they try Australia, New Zealand,, Canada, or North Korea. NK could use farmers.

  11. New Mexico New Mexico NEW MEXICO!!!! Send them all to New Mexico. That would be great for everyone. Who knows? In a few years I bet they can get the literacy rate to skyrocket.

  12. I guess La Raza was right. I said no more immigrants – well, actually, I said “Less than no more immigrants” – because I hate people of color. I guess Afrikaners are people of color.

  13. I worked in SA a few years ago for a few weeks. The whites all stated to me, on many occasions, they saw no future in SA for their kids. Very sad. I have met a few others in the US that emigrated to Australia.

    This was bound to happen with a government run by Marxist thugs. The white minority should never have disarmed themselves.

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