TirADES Quilt – IOTW Report

TirADES Quilt

The left and “#The Resistance” is all up in every, as illustr8r says, nook and cranny of society.

She stumbled upon this “project.”


Quilts as Tools for Resistance.

Embedded in this year’s QuiltCon, which featured over 350 works, were acts of protest.

SHUT UP and Listen,” proclaims a quilt in bold, red letters. It shows a muted American flag, hung upside down on its phantom flagpole. The aggressive “SHUT UP” is rendered in darker red fabric, like oxidized blood. But the message softens with the word “Listen,” looped in beautiful script, using sweeter reds and an assemblage of floral, plaid, and paisley fabrics.

The quilt, by Jessica Wohl, is called “White America.”

The quilt is willing to have a conversation if I’m willing to hold my tongue.


And that last line from the author says it all. There is no conversation with a leftist. So my default reaction to anything a leftist says is, “up yours and then shut it.”

“White America, shut up and listen.”

What are you going to say?

Stop shooting each other in the inner cities?

Graduate from high school?

Stop having kids with multiple fathers that don’t stay?

Get a job?

What’s the message to white America that is separate and apart from any message that would be appropriate for every American?

Wait, before you answer—  up yours and shut it.


17 Comments on TirADES Quilt

  1. @ Lock and Load: The day after they try to start gun confiscation…

    And, Tony R, you can bet we’d be facing more of the crap facing the Boers in South Africa were the “African” natives here closer to 50% of us.

  2. Are you talking to- you talking to Me?
    I am too fooking busy busting my ass at sixty, making payments, spurring this economy along with my tiny, tiny business to listen to crap from navel gazing retards who haven’t produced a decent day’s work to date, telling me about how the country is all screwed up because two hundred years ago stuff happened that offends their sensibilities.
    America is like a giant rowboat. If you are running up and down ‘raising awareness’ about some issue; you ain’t rowing, you are trying to be a little policeman.
    If you ain’t rowing, helping this country run, you are on the same level of worthiness as the chickens and coconuts and goats in the stern.
    And bait.

  3. What a waste.So many places that they could donate and help others. Women’s shelters, animal shelters,Homeless, and Hospitals (Cancer Patients). I forgot Nursing Homes!

  4. My Mother quilted for decades.
    I have a 3 ring binder filled with pictures of every quilt she made (100s). They were donated to the VFW, American Legion and Marine Corps League to auction off for fund raisers to assist Veterans. The remainder were given to men and women in Nursing homes and senior centers. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many scarves she knitted for Nursing home residents.

    I have baby quilts for my grandchildren’s children who aren’t even conceived yet, with a hand written note from her.

  5. But you see, Anniegirl, it’s ALL about making a statement. And it’s important because it’s ALL about THEM making a statement. They ain’t got no time for using their skills for something genuinely charitable and useful (let alone selflessly anonymous). It’s the patriarchy or something.

    I am over being sick of these kamikaze wymmins. I have (and this is where I might get into trouble with the talk and persuade crowd) nothing to say to them, as anything I would say is met with the weaponized autism of the brainwashed left. TWANLOC.

  6. I’ve been making quilts for 13 years. It takes many, many hours of painstaking work to finish a quilt… designing, choosing fabric, cutting, sewing the pieces together for the top, and the actual quilting (sewing three layers together – top, batting, backing) can take many months if done by hand in the old fashioned way. It’s a process that can be very stress relieving and it’s a labour of love for creative hobbyists. Imagine all the rage-filled hours it must have taken for someone to create a quilt with a message of hate like that.

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