Which Feminist Big Brain Is Sporting a New Tattoo With a Grammatical Error? – IOTW Report

Which Feminist Big Brain Is Sporting a New Tattoo With a Grammatical Error?

I make spelling and grammar errors all the time. But I’m writing thousands of words a day. If I was proofreading a 2 word tattoo, I can assure you it would not have a spelling error.

Times Up? Is this a tattoo applauding an unexpected spike in stock prices for the NY Times?

I don’t think so. It’s a tattoo announcing solidarity with #Time’s Up. Time’s is the contraction for Time Is.

So which Ivy League actress is the idiot?

See here

27 Comments on Which Feminist Big Brain Is Sporting a New Tattoo With a Grammatical Error?

  1. an English Lit degree at Brown University ain’t what it used to be
    too bad, it doesn’t look permanent … idiot needs to be branded

    btw, looks like ‘Times Ya’

  2. Times is written clearly enough for my eyes.
    If I had not read the description of the second word, I would still be guessing.

    Maybe the tattoo maker did it on purpose just to F with her, knowing she as going to Red Carper it. She signed various waivers and releases, it is California after all, and she probably signed one accepting the finished product.
    Maybe I’m projecting.

  3. Not much punctuation in hashtags. I can see how a generation raised on Twitter might be unfamiliar with commas and apostrophes. Fortunately for this dolt, it’s an easy fix. Although she’ll probably leave it out as a protest against patriarchal grammar or something.

  4. That’s perfect She’ll feel nervous when she looks at it in a year or so, wondering what she’s late for.
    Wait till she’s 85 and in the hospital, it’ll make her crazy !!!

  5. So… Holistic millennial Vegan precious snowflakes who would never subject their cat to a treat from China will enthusiastically pay a total stranger to inject unknown foreign substances from freaking China directly into their freaking bloodstreams. Permanently.

    Humans are hilarious.

  6. The first time I saw a tattoo on the inside of the forearm was when I was 4. It was on a lady that co-owned a toy store with her husband.
    The tattoo was just numbers.
    They were prior guests of one of Germany’s holiday camps for Jews.

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