I’m still waiting for GWB to criticize 0bama as much as he does President Trump – IOTW Report

I’m still waiting for GWB to criticize 0bama as much as he does President Trump

Yeaaaah,  that’s right. President Trump. Look at it!  Sorry your girl Jeb Hillary didn’t win.

Breitbart: George W. Bush: Trump ‘Makes Me Look Pretty Good’ by Comparison.

Former President George W. Bush reportedly remarked that President Donald Trump’s administration makes his time in the White House “look pretty good,” according to a Republican source.

“Bush is often heard to remark, unable to stifle his trademark smirk: ‘Sorta makes me look pretty good, doesn’t it?’” the source told National Journal.

The Trump administration told the outlet that the former Republican president regularly criticizes Trump’s administration for being in a state of chaos.

“He’s shaking his head like everyone else wondering why they can’t get their act together,” the source added. “He wants the guy to succeed but thinks a lot of his problems are self-inflicted.”

The younger Bush has a history of criticizing Trump in public. In an October speech at the George W. Bush Institute, he slammed the president’s nationalist ideology, all while arguing that globalism and foreign intervention is key for the U.S. to succeed in the future.  MORE HERE

SNIP: Yeah, Europe is sure enjoying some ‘globalism’ right now, aren’t they?

31 Comments on I’m still waiting for GWB to criticize 0bama as much as he does President Trump

  1. I’m beginning to change my mind, maybe Jemma isn’t the 2nd worst modern president.
    Where you been for the previous 8 years, Hillary have your tongue clamped between her fat thighs? Your appeal is wearing thin as the chrome on a Yugo, George.

  2. I had to let my rush 24/7 subscription expire when rush told all of us that bush was a true conservative.

    lied to by rush limbaugh.

    never thought that would happen.

    funny bush couldn’t open his mouth to defend himself or criticize obama.

    but he can’t wait to talk trash about trump.

    imagine that.

    republicans are truly the “loyal” opposition to the democrats.

  3. Never thought I would ever say it, but Bush is a dyed-in-the-wool Swamper!
    As far as I’m concerned, once the Shrub opened his yap about President Trump, the stark omission of any criticism of the Øbamboozler makes him a supporter of Revrum Wright’s feckless, vile, lying “God-Damn America”-hating, jug-eared, tone-deaf, purple-lipped, incompetent, lazy, vacationing, golfing, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, narcissistic, sarcastic, corrupt, backstabbing, stone-walling, out-of-touch, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, pot-headed, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, no-records, two-bit, finger-pointing, belly-aching, Bush-blaming, wildly-spending, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, healthcare-destroying, process-circumventing, Benghazi bullshitting, selfie-posing, celebrity gad-fly, Deserter-honoring, ISIS appeasing, Iran-Funding, Jihad-coddling, taqiyah sunrise-drinking, weak, smidgen-toed, dithering, lawless, divisive, autocratic, sociopathic, phony baloney, plastic banana republic, Radical, Butt-Fisting, Bomb-Throwing, Communist-Organizing Marxist, Muslim Mallard & all-around Kenyan Kremepuff!
    You are a Poser sir!

  4. Democracy is breaking out all over the Middle East. It’s just overflowing with true believers of the Religion of Peace. These facts make me too smart not to criticize President Donald J. Trump, although it might have more to do with what he did to my younger brother, and all that wasted family effort trying to explain his low energy was what the country really needed to fix that immigration issue.

  5. Bush when he kept his mouth shut was considered a respectful and wise man; He has removed all doubt. Two scriptures came to mind.

    Proverbs 14:8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.

    Ecclesiastes 7:5 It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.

    George please keep your mouth shut and allow American’s the slim possibility to think you are wise.

  6. I was just reading some Huffpo drivel…

    “The lesson of “Black Panther” for white allies is this: They must learn to be the sidekick, to be at the fringe, to give up power, to have people of color in their ears directing them on how to be useful in fighting for the cause of justice.”

    …and it occurred to me that Bush is so woke that he thinks he is Barky’s White Sidekick. There’s no hope for him.

  7. I used to at least think GWB was a nice guy. But he is just another globalist progressive who thinks he knows what’s best for the little people and who doesn’t have to live with the consequences of those beliefs.

  8. “T’is better to sit quietly and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”

    (or something to that effect)

    In other words, George – “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I supported “W” mainly because he was only slightly better than the alternative! Some time back I got a request for a donation to the “BOOOOSH” Library and I wrote back an told them to “GO PISS UP A ROPE!” And my reason for that reply…haven’t hears shit from them since.

  10. His dad was Director of the CIA before being El Presidente, and a prominent member of the Carlyle Group (if you love conspiracies), so it’s fairly certain that he (W) was influenced (if not directed) by the Deep State to assist in the destruction of the United States. Endless war, $Trillion debt, crippling regulations, bending to our enemies, perceiving Putin’s “soul” by staring into his eyes, making America puke with his squishy socialism.

    Ah, well …

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. No, asshole, you only looked “good” compared to Algore – that’s the only reason you even had an “administration”.
    Otherwise, you’re a globalist cunt just like daddy.

  12. I followed the 2 “Read my lips!” sons after I found out what I fool I was to vote for a liberal crook. The 2 govenors for 28 years speak well of progressives/liberals. The only folk they have attacked since ’90 have been conservatives!

    I voted FOR a leftist bush once! (’88) I voted AGAINST JFK in ’04; as did over 15,000,000 combat vet and their relatives. Key word was COMBA. I had 2 friends who were in Saigon (after the unconditional surrender the name changed!) and never :shot anyone, gutted anyone, were themselves shot, or were on the receiving end of a blade. I did all 4; they both questioned why I hated JFK. I am sure that one, if not both, voted for JFK.

  13. obomba makes boooosh look like Reagan.
    Trump makes booosh look like obomba

    Proud to say I voted libertarian when boooosh was running. I couldnt stomach pulling the lever for him.

    @Cato Psalm 43;1 was a favorite. Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation: O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man.

    I believe we have been delivered.

  14. He’s got a point. I mean Trump still has time to catch up. But, at this rate, how’s he going to lie bigger than Hillary, in just a few months? How’s he EVER going to send more Americans to their deaths, looting for Trump Hotels and Resorts? There’s only so many IEDs in a day. Tick tock, Donald. Tick tock.

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