Justin, Come Out… – IOTW Report

Justin, Come Out…


22 Comments on Justin, Come Out…

  1. 12 Signs You’re Dating A Beta Male (And Why That’s A Good Thing) By Justin Trudeau (Or another Canadian wanker)

    1. He Sincerely Wants To Spend Time With You
    Unlike Alpha guy, whom you’ll only really hear from when the whim strikes up, Beta guy makes an effort to let you know that he’s thinking about you and would like to see you.

    You might get a random text in the middle of the day just to say hello, even if it’s just a silly photo of something that he thinks might make you smile, and he’ll make sure to ask what your schedule is like so the two of you can organize time together.

    Chances are he’ll even go to a knitting festival or petting zoo with you and have fun doing so, and will be delighted if you accompany him to Comic Con.

  2. article linked by Petrus….

    “Alpha Guy is the type that a lot of women are trained to seek out and ‘win.’ ”


    “When it comes to authentic, meaningful relationships, Beta males are definitely the way to go…. you’ve managed to snag one of the good guys.”


    about the author
    “…. She has been known to subsist on coffee and soup for days at a time…. she can be found wrestling with various knitting projects…..”


  3. The U.S. had barack with his swishy ways and no-press-allowed golf gay forays with Reggie Love and then there was Kal Penn in the WH…….
    Now Canada has their own embarassment……

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