Trump Pardons Sailor Jailed For Committing Act Far Less Egregious Than Hillary Clinton’s – IOTW Report

Trump Pardons Sailor Jailed For Committing Act Far Less Egregious Than Hillary Clinton’s

The pardon means Saucier will not have a felony conviction on his record, making it less difficult to find work.

Currently Saucier is the driver of a garbage truck and wears an ankle monitor. (“Garbage Man” always sounds bad, but I understand it’s a pretty good paying job.)

Wash Exam-

Saucier was sentenced to a year in prison during the 2016 campaign for taking pictures inside a nuclear submarine. Trump invoked his case repeatedly on the campaign trail, saying he was “ruined” for doing “nothing” compared to Hillary Clinton. Saucier was 22 years old when he took the cellphone photos in 2009.

The photos Saucier, now 31, took inside the sub were deemed “confidential,” meaning the lowest level of classification, even though some depicted the vessel’s nuclear reactor. Clinton, by contrast, sent and received more highly classified information on a private and insecure email server.

Saucier told the Washington Examiner earlier this year that a felony conviction made it hard to find work. He worked as a garbage man to support his wife and young daughter. His family’s cars were repossessed while he was in prison and his Vermont home is in foreclosure. Saucier has several months left of wearing an ankle monitor.

Sadie Saucier said she was thrilled to hear of the pardon, and that “I can’t believe it happened, it’s still sinking in.” She said her husband was driving a garbage truck when the news came. “He texted me back, ‘what’ with an exclamation point.”


28 Comments on Trump Pardons Sailor Jailed For Committing Act Far Less Egregious Than Hillary Clinton’s

  1. This was the right thing to do. Unlike a previous president that pardoned a scum bag like Marc Rich.

    Now if we could just apply the law to Hillary the way it was suppose to be applied.

  2. On the fence with this one. As a former nuke, we all knew the rules and that pictures of the engine room/reactor room were a big no-no.
    Federal time wasn’t justified from the start but celebrating the release of a guy who holds little regard for military bearing and decorum… not feeling the rush of relief here.

    And for the record, we did mast a guy for taking pics in #2 Feed Pumps.

  3. @Sum Random Guy – I think he’s learned his lesson. No need to destroy his entire life over it, especially with helliary and at least 1/2 of the DC scumbags doing soooo much worse and still walking around free, and still grifting off the tax payers and committing treason.

  4. Sum Random Guy

    Yup. Had access to every crypto and comm network during the “Falcon and the Snowman” timeframe.
    We all got rectal exams while Bill and his drunk wife we’re setting up their criminal enterprise in AR.
    10 years later and those P’sOS we’re selling tech to the highest bidder for contributions.
    “Rule of Law” is a cornerstone for this nation, yeah, who’s going to win that war?
    I love my kids, planning on taking those bullets for them.

  5. Maybe it got different later. But my days of working around classified programs predated cell phones with cameras. I had a ‘nosebleed’ high security clearance. The FBI sent guys back to where I grew up to talk to people in my neighborhood, my relatives, my school teachers. Got asked about that by them later.

    I worked in test and validation of defense programs at White Sands Missile Range in NM. A slew of them as my office was agnostic.

    Read into the security program I KNEW, and was told, no pictures. No talking about the programs, no talking about what contractor, which project, which system, what I did in relation.

    That’s pretty easy to understand.

    This guy got told,… no. He did it anyway. I don’t care about his motives, the security risks, minor as they may have been, he was told not to do what he did. That needs to carry a penalty.

    That said, Hillary ought to be shot up against a brick wall for what she did.

  6. From Sum Random: “And for the record, we did mast a guy for taking pics in #2 Feed Pumps.”

    Was it the pumps, or the acoustic isolation from the hull that was the bugaboo?

  7. The sign says-no turn on red light. No shirt no shoes No service.[this is at the beach]. No means no unless you are special🤔. But im glad he may get his life back in order.obey the rules even if you dont agree or like them….Thou shall not—-could save your eternal life.😉

  8. The prog motherfuckers are already all over Facebook calling this guy a “traitor”. You just know they’re going to start harassing this guy and his family. Goddamn… I really fucking hate the left. They are such pond scum.

  9. I understand the rage with the clintons and the establishment, I do.
    Gladys – I also hope that kid really did learn his lesson. The take away is that when you are given this responsibility, it is up to the individual to hold themselves accountable. This young man did not, he went ahead and made the choice to take some photos to what…? Doesn’t matter. Something that gets beaten into your head regularly is that “Integrity… is doing the right thing, even if no one is watching.” He failed. He should be held accountable and he will carry that burden for the rest of his life.
    As far as the clintons, I went through a phase in which I hated the Country. I watched the whole clinton presidency from Ruby Ridge and Waco to the Cigar and all the other BS that went down, but no one was held accountable. No one.
    Where do we go from here? I saw some injustices and dirty local officials, so I ran for office and got elected. I tried to change the system from the inside only to find another layer of corrupt bastards who didn’t want to make waves so, the dirty sheriff did nothing and the lazy county officials made sure it stayed quiet. So, now what?
    I think we know the answer, as long as we can vent online, things will continue to get worse. If the establishment can hold out for 2 more generations then we are done. There will be no bullets flying, no grand civil war or gallows with a waiting line. We will simply “meh…” ourselves into nothingness. White america will be relegated to absolute minority status and then nothing.

    Mr. Lowell – it was long profile shot which showed orientations and control panels. Essentially a really bad blueprint.

  10. From Sum Random” “Mr. Lowell – it was long profile shot which showed orientations and control panels. Essentially a really bad blueprint.”

    Understood. Still, you and I know those pictures were far past what he knew were wrong. As did he.

    Trust has to be conveyed. Expectations of that trust are articulated. He violated that trust.

  11. We have the bestest commenters on the internets at! And the smartest.

    I only remember that POTUS Trump mentioned this fellow a lot on the campaign trail to compare how swiftly and thoroughly the justice system dealt with him versus Killery. Was his punishment too much? I don’t think so, but it sure seemed like it when compared to all the perps who walked without so much as a howdy-do. And that’s the rub. Americans are fair-minded people who naturally hate unfairness, and that’s good. We’re known the world over — probably more than anything else — for having that trait. And most of us will accept just punishment when we’ve done something wrong. This guy probably did, too. At least he didn’t start carrying a mattress around on his back in protest of something that wasn’t true.


  12. “I think we know the answer, as long as we can vent online, things will continue to get worse.“

    Perhaps but history and current events as indicators show that any governance organization trending towards ultimate centralized authority, be it private or public, devolves to a point where dissent in any form cannot be tolerated.
    Munitions will get used in response to and/or in conjunction with any number of the potential global flashpoints.
    There are simply to many desperate older players with little life left vested in an outcome where they or theirs profit for all of them to be patient and wise enough to let the “MEH” outcome to play out.

    I would personally like to spend my remaining years of clogging arteries and failing organs messing with the wife, kids and grandkids but it just looks bleak and people who continue to say it can’t happen here regardless where here is are eventually proven wrong.

    But then people of every culture and faith have been saying we’re living in the end times for thousands of years too so there you go.

    Eventually some or all of us end up with a tombstone that reads “I told you something was wrong”.

    Now please accept my apologies for being another online depressing jerk, I arranged for the wife to get a tractor today and so she can play TONKA truck in our sandbox yard.

    Well, bye.

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