Lefty Gossip Rag Says Trump About to Cut Jivanka Out of the Power Loop – IOTW Report

Lefty Gossip Rag Says Trump About to Cut Jivanka Out of the Power Loop

Vanity Fair writes-


The president will meet with potential chief-of-staff candidates at Mar-a-Lago next weekend. McMaster is likely next to go. Then Jivanka.
Trump remains fiercely loyal to his family, but various distractions have eroded their efficacy within the administration. Both have been sidelined without top-secret security clearances by Kelly, and sources expect them to be leaving at some point in the near future.

With the departures of Hope Hicks and Gary Cohn, the Trump presidency is entering a new phase—one in which Trump is feeling liberated to act on his impulses. “Trump is in command. He’s been in the job more than a year now. He knows how the levers of power work. He doesn’t give a f*ck,” the Republican said. Trump’s decision to circumvent the policy process and impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminum reflects his emboldened desire to follow his impulses and defy his advisers. “It was like a f*ck-you to Kelly,” a Trump friend said. “Trump is red-hot about Kelly trying to control him.”

According to five Republicans close to the White House, Trump has diagnosed the problem as having the wrong team around him and is looking to replace his senior staff in the coming weeks. “Trump is going for a clean reset, but he needs to do it in a way that’s systemic so it doesn’t look like it’s chaos,” one Republican said.


I think Vanity Fair is reporting this as if we should be horrified, scared that Trump “acting on impulses” is reckless and will destroy the world.

I read this as good news.

10 Comments on Lefty Gossip Rag Says Trump About to Cut Jivanka Out of the Power Loop

  1. People love drama……..hence the Kardashians. A wise man said to focus on the results, not the efforts and dust. All these dogs barking at the train wont make it change course.

  2. Trump has been doing this high turnover thing since he first started. He appoints people to do a job. They do it. They’re done and sent back out into the marketplace to continue doing what they do best. He then appoints newer people for newer jobs. ETc. That’s the way he works. I’m fine with it.

    Cucks gonna cuck.

  3. “That’s the way he works. I’m fine with it”

    Me too, Corona. The best part is that just when the media gets their dossier together on a target, he’s out the door and the journos have to start digging dirt on a new Trump hire all over again.

  4. This is the difference between a Chicago pol and a business man. No patronage jobs, Trump hires people to do a job (maybe two jobs), then they’re done. Time for new blood. Repeat as necessary.

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