Mexico Has Strict Gun Control and 12 of Its Cities Have the Most Gun Violence on the Planet – IOTW Report

Mexico Has Strict Gun Control and 12 of Its Cities Have the Most Gun Violence on the Planet


In 2017, Latin America retained the ignominious distinction of having the most cities on Mexico’s Citizens’ Council for Public Security’s annual ranking of the world’s most violent cities.

Of the 50 cities on the list, 42 are in Latin America, including 17 in Brazil, 12 in Mexico, and five in Venezuela. Colombia had three, Honduras had two, and El Salvador, Guatemala, and Jamaica all had one.


Not one city in the top 50 is one that can be described as, how do you say, Anglo.

I hate when I cite statistics and I feel like I’m blogging for StormFront. But, facts are facts. The most violent cities on earth are below our southern border, and the left wants that to be left wide open, all because it means votes for their party.

That is despicable.

Did you know that there is only one store in all of Mexico that sells guns?

Our most violent cities in the top 50 are-

42: Detroit

41: New Orleans

21: Baltimore

13: St. Louis

No pattern here.

Move along. Ban the AR-15.



9 Comments on Mexico Has Strict Gun Control and 12 of Its Cities Have the Most Gun Violence on the Planet

  1. From ~1940 to ~1979 the john Birch Society paid to have billboards in Cal saying. “When guns are outlawed – OLNY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS. a leftist GOP Gov Dukemageian(sp?) crushed the JBS. Because they were right!

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