The Left Crafts One of the Stupidest Anti-Gun Videos I Have Ever Seen – IOTW Report

The Left Crafts One of the Stupidest Anti-Gun Videos I Have Ever Seen

The left draws an analogy between bad scary cats and guns.

Even if you except the premise that 2A should be “reviewed,” there are so many flaws with this video, and its analogy,  one doesn’t know where to begin. But we’ll indulge these dickweeds.

-Guns are not living things. If there is anyone “bad and scary” in the video it’s the bad and scary cat lady, not the “cat.”  A mass shooter is the bad guy, not the mass shooter’s “cat.”

-The idiots who made this video are simply pretending to like “friendly cats.” No responsible gun owner believes there are friendly guns and evil guns.

-A guy with a “friendly cat” can kill a roomful of students very easily if there is no one there to stop them. In fact, in the span of ten seconds someone with a small friendly cat in each hand can kill more people than someone with only one scary cat. Because of this fact, eventually the left will ban all cats.

-Fearing that an evil gun sitting in a closet is going to kill you is the same as fearing you’re going to get run over by a car that is parked in someone’s garage. Fearing a “scary cat” will kill you is the same as fearing a “stuffed scary cat” will kill you. Cats in this video, which we are told are guns, are NOT ALIVE.

24 Comments on The Left Crafts One of the Stupidest Anti-Gun Videos I Have Ever Seen

  1. As usual their focus is on the wrong people. Its the unhinged lefties 9 times out of ten that go crazy with guns.
    Remove the right to own guns from all democrats and the problem is solved.

  2. Made it to a minute and 13 seconds.
    So dumb I could feel my brain hurt.
    Bad cats and good cats = bad guns and good guns? Holy cow these people are beyond dumb.
    Besides, none of the firearms in my house purrs. That would be concerning.

  3. Sound advice for all anti-gun fanatics:
    When you and your family’s lives are threatened, just bake an apple pie. It’ll all be over in a minute or less.

    Just think of it, you are saving the planet from overpopulation and increasing the world’s IQ.

  4. I’m sorry, that dude sounds like Mr. Garrison. And the analogy is one that Mr. Garrison would make. This message must have been approved by David Hogg.

  5. Great video…We should make it mandatory to view this and then follow up with a questionnaire seeking the viewers opinion. Those who support the thinking expressed in the video should be denied owning a gun thereby reducing the number of mass shootings.They should also not be allowed to vote thereby increasing the strength of concepts related to Individual Freedom. Draconian you say? This is what The Left is already implementing with thought propaganda, ratcheting restrictions ever tighter, marginalizing gun supporters, categorizing gun owners as low IQ and more..

  6. This is the form of education that Dems love to preach. You have to be really dumb (Maxine Waters Level), stoned, (Opioids, Ecstasy, Tide Pods, MM), drunk (choose your poison), incoherent, or a millennial college graduate, to watch this fantasy sh!t and come away with any sense of reality. This “production” is probably the thesis for a Libtard Masters Degree. It insults the intelligence of any rational, sound mind. It is a polished cat turd, and they want you to know, you can pick it up by the clean end. Unfortunately it will probably spread throughout the nation like wildfire.

  7. Okay, let’s state the obvious, shall we?

    Cat’s have a mind of their own.

    Guns don’t attack by themselves because they don’t have a mind of their own.

    Let’s humor the idiocy of the liberal logic by saying that in order to protect ourselves against the bad cats that we all obtain, train, and implement an AR Pitbull.

    This is the one beauty in the logic of the libtard mind insofar as their hypocrisy always seems to prove the Conservative point-of-view for conservatives.


  8. More laws, rules, regulations that the criminals are sure to follow.., right?? /s

    More laws, rules, regulations that regular law abiding citizens are for certain to break AND GOTO JAIL because they are being made criminals over night by over-reaching laws, rules, and regulations that criminals are for certain to NOT FOLLOW.

    Do you understad, crazy cat people – Your cute cuddly cats are headed for the same goddamn place as the bad evil cats.

    And if it’s a sanctuary city where an illegal possesses the over-regulated scary-style gun, a slap on the wrist will be issued because they don’t understand.

    I need an oversize spoon to start thumping heads.

  9. The BATC will make arbitrary rulings on which cats are nice and which are not. If you violate their cat rules their snipers will kill your family and your pets.

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