Pompeo is bad news (For Iran) – IOTW Report

Pompeo is bad news (For Iran)

Frontpage: When it came to Iran, the Obama holdovers had two guys who were on the same basic page with them: Tillerson and McMaster. Now Tillerson is gone and McMaster is rumored to be next.

And the Iran Deal is certainly one of the issues at stake.

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he dismissed Rex Tillerson as secretary of state at least in part over a disagreement on how best to proceed with the Iran deal.

“We got along actually quite well, but we disagreed on things,” Trump said as he boarded the Marine One presidential helicopter en route to view prototypes for his proposed border wall.

“When you look at the Iran deal, I thought it was terrible. He thought it was ok. I wanted to either break it or do something, he felt a little differently,” Trump said.  more here


5 Comments on Pompeo is bad news (For Iran)

  1. Tillerson wanted to keep Obama’s Iran deal and Trump does not. There are several issues they disagree on. Pompeo would not be my choice but Trump has many reasons why he does things and I never discount his instinct. Sometimes he hires in order to fire for a very specific reason.


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