This documentary is not what the makers think it’s about – IOTW Report

This documentary is not what the makers think it’s about

JDHasty sent in this video and says-

“A world where brutality, stupidity and dysfunction are worshipped by idiots who have to actually experience what any sane person could foresee-  that certain lifestyle choices doom one to failure. ”

I watched the video and was disturbed by many aspects.

It’s about a photographer who befriended a couple and captured photos of the husband beating his wife. It’s a dismal tale.

How she met the couple was just as dismal.

Playboy sent her on a mission to do a photo series of married couples who frequented Plato’s Retreat. I’m sure Playboy’s angle was that this was a progressive, forward take on the modern marriage – having sex with a roomful of other desperate people.

She, somehow, remained “friends” with one couple in particular, and before her fateful domestic violence pictures she captured a few that, some would say, makes her a candidate for a beating. This one disturbing image is glossed over by Time Magazine, the publishers of this video.

There is a picture of a child on a bed, I assume the son, of this swinging couple with, I think, the mother and father and some other dude, and all the adults are naked. The photographer, naturally, is in there too.

How progressive.

I agree with Hasty. This is less a documentary about a photographer who specializes in domestic abuse and more of an indictment of the path progressivism takes you on.

Drugs, swinging, domestic abuse, questionable behavior around children and a photographer that somehow emerges a heroine.

Progressives love decadence, until they make a documentary about it and mitigate the tragedy by saying things like, “it was the times.”

Yeah, of YOUR making!


19 Comments on This documentary is not what the makers think it’s about

  1. Disturbing is right. I got this vid sent to me a few days ago and did a little additional research. One thing that impressed me is that the photog shopped the DV story to the usual suspects, but was turned down. I suspect that their reasons for turning it down was pure pretext and that the real reason was that they didn’t want to shine the light of truth on what their Utopian vision has to offer when put into practice.

  2. “They would talk and socialize,” she said, “but they were not swinging like the others, wildly out of control. They told me they had three kids together and that she had two daughters from a previous marriage. He said he admired her so much and that she was still trying to find herself sexually. He was trying to expose her to all those things.”

    Her talks with Lisa and Garth led Ferrato to propose a photo story about love in the ’80s, chronicling the lives of sexually liberated couples. The Japanese edition of Playboy was interested in the idea, and Ferrato began spending time with Lisa and Garth, including weekends at their home in a wealthy suburb of New York, photographing them. She discovered that Lisa’s freedom was an illusion; she was a possession and a creation of Garth’s. The extent of his control over his wife was revealed to Ferrato one night when, awakened by yelling, she found Garth chasing Lisa from room to room.

    Earth to Feratto: Everything about progressivism is an illusion, a sick, twisted illusion

  3. “How many are they, who seek in Hell, a Garden of Eden, and sail off to her fair ports, only to find that the water hath been turned to poison.” – The Fools’ Wedding in Paradise

  4. Dr Jay,

    If they would just “sail off to her fair ports” and stay there, but no – the old saying is “misery loves company” and never a more true saying has ever passed anyone’s lips. They are not content to stew in their own juices, adherents to the what progressivism prescribes dedicate their miserable pathetic existence to luring others in.

  5. On December 31, 1974, I was at a New Year’s Eve party at the home of a young English couple who lived across the street in the village of Kings Cliffe, England. I was twenty. I was speaking to another young married couple who were friends of the hosts. I made a remark about how nudity was viewed there because I had seen a children’s television show days earlier called Romper Room. With a studio of kindergarten-age children sitting on the floor, a totally nude woman walked out and stood in front of them while a “teacher” pointed out all the interesting bits to the children. Then, a totally nude man walked out and his sex organs were discussed by the same “teacher”. The children seemed uncomfortable and nervous as the show went on. Anyway, the young couple began to chide me for not being as progressive as they were. They then told me that they were teaching their three young children that the human body was not shameful and that they regularly stripped down and had sex in front of their children while in the living room. I was pretty shocked and simply told them that if they tried that shit where I was from, they’d be going to prison for a long time and rightfully so.

  6. When I went away to college, my parents bought a car for me from some friends: a Dodge Dart Swinger! 😳 I was mortified. I don’t think my parents were aware of the meaning. I pried the ”Swinger” emblem off. I offloaded that car as soon as I could afford something else!

  7. Been bugging me – this is a line item in the left’s baseline cultural budget; gotta keep churning things – anything, else people lose their outrage steam. It’s the same thing as cities spending actual money on advertising the danger of lead paint, which was banned indoors in Baltimore beginning in 1951. As if no one knows about it by now.

    It’s as if the entire flip of wymmin’s convicting a man on a word or a bad look never happened. Who doesn’t know by now that domestic violence is not only a Bad Thing but prosecutable. And men are victims of it too. Not a judgey word about drug use, either, really. She ‘hid’ the drugs. She ‘hid’ the crack pipe. Didn’t get rid of either. Noooo. And gather ’round kiddies. Gah.

  8. I babysat a kid back in the Seventies, and he told me his parents were naked at home most of the time. His dad was a minister. At the local Unitarian church. Which also had a Boy Scout troop. Run by a child molester. I was in that troop, but never got molested, mainly because the guy preyed on kids of divorce who were brought to scouting by their moms so they could have male role models. It’s a messed up world if you just scratch the surface.

  9. Thirdtwin,

    Pervert Scoutmaster busted a move on me and I knocked the dirty motherfucker’s teeth loose. Told my mother about it and she went to the Council who did nothing.

    Mom remembers it still and she is 94 years old. About twenty years ago we found out that he molested more than half the troop. I asked one of the victims why they didn’t bust him right in the face and they said they were afraid to.


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