Deejay illustr8r – IOTW Report

4 Comments on Deejay illustr8r

  1. Next time I’m in Manhattan…..I still won’t be able to afford a ticket.

    Seriously, thanks for the intro to Hamilton.
    I’m going to listen to more. In fact I am right now listening to more.

  2. 1. haven’t heard such a bad English accent sung since Green Day hit the scene … actually, a very amusing song within the context
    2. why does he need ‘instructions’? wasn’t his whole life’s experience an ‘instruction’?
    3. not sure I get it … except that it’s Jefferson’s & Washinton’s fault somehow …. where is Aaron Burr when you need him?

    nice tunes though …. if it helps young people to get involved in the process of the birth of our nation it’s a good thing

  3. Me and a friend promised each other if Hamilton came to Seattle, we’d go, and it did and we went. It was my birthday/Xmas gift. Okay, there is the stunt casting, which fades away after the first number. There’s rap, but not the low down dirty kind, it just moves the story along. Hamilton is an entertaining and a very moving show-the best musical I have ever seen. I’d go again in a heartbeat.

    The soundtrack is my new go to work music after I burn out on talk radio.

    1. King George III
    2. Aaron Burr
    3. Hamilton and George Washington



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