College Republicans president resigns rather than apologize for free speech wall that triggered peers – IOTW Report

College Republicans president resigns rather than apologize for free speech wall that triggered peers

College Fix: Mathias Eike wasn’t even born in America, Norway is his home country.

Yet his dedication to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution is so strong he recently resigned as president of the St. Cloud State University College Republicans rather than apologize to progressive peers who became enraged over the group’s free speech wall display.

The St. Cloud State University College Republicans’ display included statements such as “Support our troops,” “Marriage is between a man and a woman,” “list of all existing genders: male, female,” “In God We Trust,” “killing babies is wrong,” “Defund Planned Parenthood,” “Build a wall,” “Hillary for Prison,” “Proud Deplorable Trump 2020,” “Legal immigrants welcome,” “Support the police,” Pepe the frog saying “Feels great again, man,” and other expressions.

It also contained a tiny image of a Confederate flag next to the words “Pro life, pro gun, pro America.” Another small image had a comic strip that included the words “autistic screeching.”

Some students became so upset by the free speech wall they accused the College Republicans of “hate speech” and “inciting violence” during a heated February campus meeting over it. But even after a parade of his peers took to the mic and accused Eike and other GOP students of hatred, the international student stood his ground.

“I don’t feel like stepping back on free speech is the way to go,” Eike, 21, told The College Fix in a telephone interview.

Eike left the meeting before it ended, and later other members of the St. Cloud State College Republicans apologized for not vetting the wall more carefully, and subsequently took it down.

Eike posted his resignation letter on Facebook shortly thereafter, saying: “Congratulations everyone, you finally got your way because you were loud, obnoxious, whiney c*nts. I’m resigning as president of the College Republicans because I want nothing to do with an organization that doesn’t protect free speech and expression on campus,” according to the University Chronicle, St. Cloud State’s student-run newspaper.  MORE

8 Comments on College Republicans president resigns rather than apologize for free speech wall that triggered peers

  1. Some students became so upset…they accused the College Republicans of “hate speech” and “inciting violence”

    please have them define “hate speech” first.
    God only knows what that is.

    then accuse the “some students” of using hate speech and the threat of violence to shut down your free speech.

    you cannot play the game by two different sets of rules so start using their set of rules if you want to win.


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