If Danry Vasquez is Allowed to Play Major League Baseball I am Taking a Knee – And Turning Off the Set – IOTW Report

If Danry Vasquez is Allowed to Play Major League Baseball I am Taking a Knee – And Turning Off the Set

Astros prospect, Danry Vasquez, beats his girlfriend in a Texas baseball stadium stairwell.


The girlfriend “stands by her man.”

They are engaged.

This must be one of those multicultural cultures we’re missing out on.



42 Comments on If Danry Vasquez is Allowed to Play Major League Baseball I am Taking a Knee – And Turning Off the Set

  1. Are you sure he’s not a Muslim?

    Wow, what a way to treat another human being let alone your wife…

    I’d say he has lots of court dates ahead of him but since he’s an athleet probably just a long career making millions after he’s been “rehabilitated” (wink wink).

    What a scumbag.

  2. “Stella!” Punk A&& piece of crap will hopefully get his when he eventually ends up in prison. Where is the woman’s family? They should be stepping up to the plate to protect her. Baseball bats to the head might knock some sense into him but I doubt it.

  3. He was adjusting her glasses, it’s a cultural thing.
    She sees clearly now.

    It’s either a life with a millionaire baseball player who beats on her and livin’ large on easy street -or- back to the shit hole he found her.

    Standin’ by her man.

  4. Each time he hits her he checks to see how bad he hurt her.
    He’s lucky he pulls that crap out of the public view, some guy would see that and beat him dead.

  5. Sadly, I think Cato has it right. She’s standin’ by her man because he pays the Michael Kors handbag bills. I wonder what she got out of this episode of “It’ll never happen again.” Not her fault!!

    This could be a great “teachable moment” for all those who yap their traps about so-called Toxic Masculinity, too. Because back in the day — when I was a young woman — this is what we meant by abuse; not stupid things like “mansplaining” and every other dumb dumb attack on men. If a guy wants to be a fool, let him, so long as he keeps his hands to himself.

  6. It doesn’t matter what kind of low life scum it is when it comes to money generating potential for these big sports organizations. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit to find out they have recruiters working the penitentiaries.

  7. If he ends up playing get ready for the NFL style investigations. Then the leftists trying to ban baseball because it promotes toxic masculinity which leads to beating women.

  8. This video is from 2016. The Astros released him. Justin Verlander was pretty blunt concerning Vasquez. Vasquez tried to get on another minor league team but they released him. But only after this video was released this week. That is pathetic that a team was letting him play. The guy will be playing only in Venezuela.
    Actually, I’m wondering how he’s getting a visa.


  9. Nope. Sorry. I don’t get it. Label me a victim blamer.
    Life’s full of challenges of which we have no control, e.g., cancer, car accidents, faulty wiring, liberals. The first time a man lays a hand on a woman (much less beats the crap out of her) should be the last. She has the choice, stay or leave. For whatever reason, she chose the latter.

  10. Engelburka Engelburka — I’m with you on this. She did get a restraining order on him after this incident but then subsequently got engaged to him (at least I think that was the chronology from the little reading I did).

    But I also read that she was some gal he met in his travels from Venezuela to Mexico (she’s Mexican). Is she putting up with him to gain entry to the U.S. and the Land of the Free Gift w/Purchase? Who knows. He definitely needs to have his visa yanked and sent back and she probably does too. Before they have children here (if they don’t already).

  11. “Eventually he will kill her.”

    So? She knows what she signed up for – a life of humiliation, degradation, pain, and (eventual) death – but lots of kool baubles and plenty of coke and shit!
    What’s not to like?

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Machismo is a long standing problem in Hispanic world.

    From this to a punk on the corner giving you looks because you’re not giving him enough respect to fear him like he wants.

    Definitely a cultural thing. A lot of the women expect it.

    Lot of good Hispanic family men on my block, but guys like this don’t do long-term successful relationships.

    I agree with Engelburka Engelburka, after any event like this, the woman has to be looked at the next time it happens. “What’s wrong with you that you stay for this abuse?”

    Shame on him the first time, shame on her after that.

    You can’t help someone who won’t help themselves.

  13. POS Bastard.
    She’s a poor Mexican girl out gold digging, hanging on for a ring, entry into the US and some eventual divorce money. She is on her own mission and right or wrong that is not the issue.
    Any man that strikes a woman, unless its for self defense, deserves to lose that hand.
    Beating on someone who won’t or can’t fight back is an abomination to chivalric society, and needs to be punished severely.
    Send him to me.
    Lazlo’s Old Man used to beat on Momma Lazlo when I was too young to do anything about it.
    I have several unused ass whuppin’s saved up inside for just such an incident, and would be glad to share one with this POS

  14. didn’t nancy pelosi and schmuck schumer both say that immigrants especially illegal ones are what’s great about this country ?

    proof positive right there that they are.

  15. Well, he ain’t gonna be a Texas Astro, that’s for sure. Too many young impressionable children idolize these ballplayers. Each and every episode such as this confirms that they are not worthy to be role models for the young. Professional sports organizations should have a no tolerance rule for crimes such as these. The sooner the better.

  16. Her parents must be so proud of her……I am a non-violent person but I would like to take a baseball bat to that pile of human shit. That is so sad that someone thinks that is acceptable and a girl could be so demented to accept it….that is engaged, can you even imagine what he would do if they were married???

  17. Simplistic explanation but…

    This might blow your mind, it is a cultural issue. I’ve had frank discusions about that issue, pre-pubescent sexual abuse by relatives, forced deviant sexual demands on female wife, etc.

    Just like with sharia, female mutalation,among other things, girls in some cultures and subsets of some cultures are taught at an early age to tough it out while that same mother will coddle the male child who can do no wrong.

    Observe some family’s interaction in a public space like a mall and you will understand.

  18. Definitely warped cultural behavior common in Latino countries. The men are expected to control their women – what ever it takes, beatings, rape, neglect and a host of other abuses.
    The women know this and accept the abuse because in their demented world, it means the man has chosen her to be his woman and it’s considered an honored. Beating the woman into a bloody pulp confirms it.
    Also, the relationships are not monogamous. The men have multiple affairs and households. Vasquez and his whipping post victim fiancee are just doing what’s expected of a typical, normal machismo fuel relationship.

  19. These women agree to this. They are victims of their own choices, cultures and governments. No better example of the detrimental effects of sh*thole nations than, Vasquez publicly beating his “fiancee* without shame or thought of consequences.

  20. The excuse:

    We spoke with Danry’s attorney who tells us, “I recall conversations about the extreme stress he was under and the pressures to perform that he was young. Came to USA at a young age with no parents (accommodating him) and no guidance … just his dreams. She never excused his behavior just loved him enough to believe they could move forward.”
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  21. Fuck the cultural thing!

    I come from a place where “Swift and Blinding Violence” was often the first option that always worked (decades ago). Never applied to the opposite gender whatever that might considered today. In this case it should be applied liberally to him and finished with a “Curb Kicking” if you’re familiar with that.

  22. He didn’t marry that girl. They stayed engaged for a while, but he married some other stupid bimbo who’ll show up on another beating video in the next year or so.


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