Bernie Sanders Goes to Anti-Gun Rally Surrounded By Armed Police – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders Goes to Anti-Gun Rally Surrounded By Armed Police

This is like a scene from a National Lampoon movie.

The hypocrisy is ridiculous, and the screaming over him like he’s a rockstar is nauseating.


As you can see in the video, Sanders greets the low-information protesters with a forcefield of Capitol police shielding him. Interestingly enough, the cops are not some special duty officers who carry no weapons; they are just regular police who happen to have *gasp* guns on them. Wow, Sanders was actually protesting our right to own guns while being protected by guards with guns.

If guns are dangerous in anyone’s hands and only designed to kill, as leftist assholes like Sanders contend, why show up to protest gun rights with armed protection? It’s almost like Sanders sees a certain value in having his life protected by something other than an inflated sense of self-importance. Maybe this is his way of acknowledging that guns in the hands of good guys and gals can do good things like protect lives. Naw, he’s just a typical liberal hypocrite: Guns for me, none for thee!


9 Comments on Bernie Sanders Goes to Anti-Gun Rally Surrounded By Armed Police

  1. I noticed yesterday that I’m having trouble posting some articles to Twitter. This was one of them. It happened with articles from other sites too, like one from the White House website about the President in AZ.

  2. Anti-gun rally, no doubt full of young morons.
    Tell ya what, you don’t think we should have guns and we don’t think you should have computers. Now how does it feel?

  3. Speaking from a strictly hypothetical strategic standpoint, can you picture these brain-dead, glassy eyed a$$wipes marching into Concord or Lexington to take our weapons? Our side would be rolling on the ground laughing so hard it might be difficult to actually get a bead on the target!!


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