States Moving Forward With Alternative to Lethal Injection – IOTW Report

States Moving Forward With Alternative to Lethal Injection


Oklahoma is moving forward with utilizing nitrogen to conduct the state’s executions. Tiring of being denied the drugs used in the lethal injection formulas, Oklahoma may use this new form of execution some time this year.

When challenged on the experimental use of this inert gas, authorizes in Oklahoma stated that advocates for assisted suicide have been pioneering the use of nitrogen for years: More

A bill is moving through Alabama’s legislature to also utilize the readily available  resource for carrying that state’s death penalty. More







30 Comments on States Moving Forward With Alternative to Lethal Injection

  1. Or a nice rope? Or just buy some crank off the street and shoot them up until their hearts stop. Better yet, use confiscated smack that way there is ZERO cost to the tax payer. This is not rocket science.

    If nothing else use what the vets use to put down a dog and adjust the for weight. Or just take a pair of scissors and ram in into the back of their head and just tell the libtards we are just using the same “technique” that is used on late term abortions.

  2. Not one of the above recommendations is a bad one.
    All are more humane than what the murderer gave their victims.
    I don’t care how you do it.

    As NIKE Says, “Just Do It!”

  3. “When challenged on the experimental use of this inert gas, authorizes in Oklahoma stated that advocates for assisted suicide have been pioneering the use of nitrogen for years”

    Well that should have shut up the Lefties. Good enough for offing yourself but not for criminals? No way to make that case.

  4. High explosives properly applied would be painless as the shock wave propagates faster than nerve impulses. A bonus would be that all the miscreants could be dealt with at once.

  5. I understand that in Japan, they don’t even let the prisoner know the date of their execution.

    Just a knock on the cell door and ‘today’s the day’. Last meal was whatever you ate last.

  6. I think the punishment should match the crime. If it was some sadistic bastard that tortured their victim, make them endure AT LEAST the same amount of pain and distress! Those warm and fuzzy lib can go fu*k themselves as far as I’m concerned.

  7. Hmmph. Nitrogen isn’t inert. Ever hear of ammonia? Ammonium nitrate? Nitric acid? Nitrous oxide? Nitromethane?

    I’m with JustAl. High explosives.

    As A.C. Weisbecker said in Cosmic Banditos:

    There are very few problems that can’t be solved with a suitable application of high explosives.

  8. Hang them like the greatest hangman in history did: Albert Perrepoint. This British hangman executed more than 400 men and 17 women, including 200 Nazi war criminals. He managed to get the job done in less than 10 seconds, and never failed to break a neck. It was more humane than anything done in America with any method used in this country. A fascinating movie about this man’s career was made in 2005. It’s “Pierrepoint: The Last Hangman.” I guarantee that watching it will change your opinion of how capital punishment in this country should be conducted.

  9. Carbon monoxide works well too. You get a bit of a headache, then you pass out, and in a little while you croak. Nearly painless. Nitrogen works faster–you pass out within a few seconds and never know what hit you. Available at any welding supply shop or gas supplier.

  10. Nitrogen is inert. I used it every day in my job. We used it to purge vessels and lines clean after they were full of ethylene gas. It is very deadly if proper caution is not exercised. It works quickly. You are dead before you even suspect something is wrong. It is not to be taken lightly.

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