Professor Under Fire For Saying Blacks Rarely Rise to the Upper Half of Her Class – IOTW Report

Professor Under Fire For Saying Blacks Rarely Rise to the Upper Half of Her Class



Penn Law prof. loses teaching duties over remarks on black pupils A law professor at the University of Pennsylvania will no longer teach a required course following backlash to her claims that black students “rarely” graduate at the top of their classes. Law School Dean Ted Ruger said in a statement Tuesday that tenured professor Amy Wax spoke “disparagingly and inaccurately” about the performance of black students.

He announced she would be allowed to continue teaching elective classes but that she will no longer serve as the professor for the introductory civil procedure class. “Black students have graduated in the top of the class at Penn Law,” Ruger told student newspaper, The Daily Pennsylvanian. “And contrary to any suggestion otherwise, black students at Penn Law are extremely successful, both inside and outside of the classroom, the job market, and in their careers.” Wax’s controversial remarks came during a September 2017 talk with Brown University professor Glenn Loury called “The Downside to Social Uplift.”

“Here’s a very inconvenient fact, Glenn: I don’t think I’ve ever seen a black student graduate in the top quarter of the class, and rarely, rarely in the top half,” she said. “I can think of one or two students who scored in the top half of my required first-year course.” Wax, an expert in social welfare law and policy, noted the class typically has between 89 and 95 students a year, “so I’m going on that because a lot of this data is a closely guarded secret.” Ruger said Wax violated school policy in citing students’ grades during her interview and rejected her claims that the school’s law review had a diversity mandate.

Wax’s interview sparked outrage among students and the Penn State community when it resurfaced earlier this week, with alumni kicking off a petition demanding action be taken against the professor. Her claims are “in clear violation of the terms and spirit of Penn Law’s anonymous grading policy, compromise the law school’s assurance that grades are maintained by the registrar under strict scrutiny. More than 30 Penn Law professors said they respected Wax’s right to free speech, but each signed an open letter condemning her racially charged statements.

The professor did not immediately return request for comment, but recently told the Daily Pennsylvanian that “student performance is a matter of fact, not opinion.” “It is what it is.”

ht/ potstirrer

25 Comments on Professor Under Fire For Saying Blacks Rarely Rise to the Upper Half of Her Class

  1. Easy way to find out if she’s right. She needs to sue Penn State and during the discovery process the judge forces Penn to reveal whether their black students occupy the spaces at the top of the class in proportion to their enrollment. Penn would squeal like little piggies and would have some explaining to do if the Prof turns out to be right.

  2. “Black students have graduated in the top of the class at Penn Law,”


    “I can think of one or two students who scored in the top half of my required first-year course.”

    How is the first statement any different than the second statement when it comes to this:

    Penn Law’s anonymous grading policy, compromise the law school’s assurance that grades are maintained by the registrar under strict scrutiny. More than 30 Penn Law professors said they respected Wax’s right to free speech, but each signed an open letter condemning her racially charged statements.

  3. Anyone who’s witnessed some of the endless interviews with the black lawyers who represented perps in cases like St Louis and Treyvon Martin can see the caliber of people getting law degrees now days. It’s an embarrassment to the profession.

  4. Liberals promote blacks through the ranks with no expectation of any actual intelligence, and now they act SHOCKED that their policies have a negative reality.

    Sounds like every liberal policy that has produced negative results.

  5. Facts Are.Not.Racist even if they’re uncomfortable for the real racists to admit. If someone denies facts to promote one race over another, they’re no different than the KKK.

  6. Ummmm……

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
    “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise” Thom. Gray

  7. Eternal Cracka, you picked up on it. The Dean accused the professor of misconduct while engaging in the same exact conduct in defense of the blacks. Liberals are mentally ill. We must resist trying to stop them from killing each other.

  8. @Plantsman There have been Ebonics in the courtroom for a looong time now. I haven’t been a court reporter for eight years now, and the ten years I was at Fulton County Superior Court in Atlanta, GA, I had become an excellent interpreter. I could make my friends howl with laughter with my very accurate renditions.

  9. Why pursue excellence when you know you’ll get a participation trophy regardless? This is exactly what the proglodytes have been pushing for decades, and now they’re bothered by the result. Go figure.

  10. The consequence of affirmative action.
    The colleges admit minorities to fill the required spaces while smart kids lose out.
    The same is happening with the friggin Somalis.
    My kids had some in class at the local community college and the frigging Somalis never did their homework or projects. They walk around all day with their cell phones. The girls stick them in their hijabs so they don’t have to hold them. But they never seem to have a book or even a notebook.

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