Dreamers or Reamers? – IOTW Report

Dreamers or Reamers?

IRS Found 1.2 Million Cases of Identity Theft by Illegal Immigrants.
Between processing years 2011 and 2016, “the IRS placed the employment identity theft marker on 1,346,485 taxpayer accounts,” according to a TIGTA report from last month.

When asked by CNSNews.com how many of these cases “did the IRS refer to federal law enforcement for criminal investigation and prosecution? How many did they not refer to law enforcement and why not?”

TIGTA responded: “We do not have this information.”

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8 Comments on Dreamers or Reamers?

  1. I don’t think I’m the only one that wants to go full Medieval on these twatwaffles
    seriously, they need to face the wrath of justice … they are invaders, nothing less … it’s time to treat them as such.

  2. AW FUCK!!!….The social security administration and the IRS COUNTS on having illegal aliens steal identities of Americans….it was 6 billion when my identity was stolen in 2000 and they knew it was stolen….

  3. twatwaffles, scrunts, what have you……. I am with you. The two of us against the phookin’ invaders! Trust me, I am well armed. Older now, not as mobile as I once was, eyesight on the decline…. but if I’ve had a drink, I am still a decent shot out to about 300. Peep sights that is, perhaps better with a scope.
    But I am ready to go!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. You’d think for those assholes to pull that shit off they’d have to have a good understanding of the English language.
    Maybe someone else is helping them….damn if I know.

  5. My IRS record is flagged “not subject to IRS tax code” resides in Guam.

    Somebody here is selling our ids to Puerto Rico for them to file tax claims.

    I don’t worry now.

  6. We just learned that my daughter had her identity stolen and used in another state 14 years ago – when she was 14.

    Fortunately, it was only used for employment in the other state as far as we can tell – not credit. I think the fact that the family last name is a 14 letter hard to spell German name with a space kept it from being more widely used. Pedro von Hooffenstrausberg (not the real name but close) is a stretch.


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