Pelosi was on TV again – IOTW Report

Pelosi was on TV again

American Mirror: As speculation grows that Nancy Pelosi will not lead House Democrats after the fall election, it’s not hard to see why her colleagues want to replace her.

While addressing reporters on Thursday, Pelosi lost her breath during several short sentences, suffered more brain freezes and could be seen staring blankly at reporters, while also frequently repeating words.

Pelosi got tongue-tied as she welcomed Conor Lamb to the House as she flubbed his name and was forced to repeat it. At the same time, she appeared to run out of breath while speaking the short sentence, having to take a deep breath to finish.  WATCH

14 Comments on Pelosi was on TV again

  1. @RickyG – No! Not at all too harsh, at least for me.

    The more Pelosi is on TV demonstrating the horrors of pelosiosis, the more likely when she finally croaks her death will be broadcast live. So to speak.

  2. Here’s what’s going on with older Libtards. My theory anyway. The human brain is like a muscle. If not used and exercised it atrophies away to mush. Mung, porridge, etc. Obviously these people don’t think so I’m going with this theory.

  3. Is there no compassionate soul that will put the old nags out to graze their last days away in the tall grasses of the far field??

    Pelosi, Hitlery, McCain… their physical/mental condition, paired with their stubborn vanity, keeps them from the long, long rest that they so deserve. Give them a rest, somebody!


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