McCabe reportedly threatens to “take people down with him.” – IOTW Report

McCabe reportedly threatens to “take people down with him.”

This could lead to everything we hoped it would lead to. McCabe’s singing can prove once in for all that the Obama FBI was exactly what we said it was, a Chicago-way FBI. And people will soon see what a “Nazi” is.

Everyone knows that Obama used government agencies like hammers, and how Koskinen, who marshaled the IRS like a Third Reich terror squad, escaped jail time is a crime.


In the final days leading up to his termination, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe reportedly threatened to “take people down with him” if he was fired.

And despite many in the media running interference for McCabe, reliable sources say the Inspector General Office of Professional Responsibility had “tons of stuff” on him, and it had little to do President Donald Trump and a lot more to do with “power” and “control.”

That’s according to Fox News Senior Correspondent Adam Housley, who reported on Twitter late Friday on the impact of McCabe being fired.

“I am told yesterday McCabe felt the heat and went to try and save his last two days and even told some he would take people down with him if he as fired. So…let’s see what comes of this. I know this…a ton of agents…a ton…were watching this very closely,” Housley tweeted.


31 Comments on McCabe reportedly threatens to “take people down with him.”

  1. McCabe’s statement was incorrectly reported. Pretty sure he didn’t say he would take people down with him. He was referring to Comey and actually said he would be going down on him. McCabe realizes he needs the practice for his new 8X10 living quarters.

  2. Perhaps the threat to “take people down with him” is a threat against Trump people? You know, make up some allegations (like the Comey memos) and put them out to the public as proof of wrongdoing by Trump and or his staff.

  3. “Remember these words…biggest reason agents get let go…. lack of candor It is ingrained into them during training.” – Housley

    Polite way of saying they are opportunist, lying, sacks of shit.

  4. I’m confused. In his “parting essay”, he maintained he, nor anyone at the FBI (calling Comey, Comey) did anything wrong! So who’s going down?

    Above all else, this should be a clarion call to Wray. He should never have allowed McCabe to stay on with a mere demotion to run out the clock. Nor should have Rybicki, Baker, Kortan etc been allowed to quit. I still question who’s decision it was to bring on David Bowdich as Acting Deputy Dir. Bowdich was cc’d on the memo’s re the Hillary “investigation”. This is draining the swamp? Puuleeze.

  5. “As the swamp began to drain,
    The denizens, they thrashed and strained,
    Their secret secrets all laid bare,
    Their schemes exposed to light and air.
    Oh how the guilty moaned and cried,
    And Lordy how they testified!”

    (The Ballad of Trump, by the BlairTones, 2099)

  6. When Trump took down Clinton
    there were a whole bunch of
    these rats looking for deep
    holes. Trump then baited them
    until they couldn’t stand it
    anymore are revealed themselves
    for the scum they are.

  7. “First we f**k Flynn, then we f**k Trump.”

    How’s that working out for you, Andy? I’m sure you’re not worried about your measly pension, since you have all that sweet, sweet Clinton cash that your wife got. However, I think money is the least of your worries now.

  8. It seems like just yesterday that the circus was coming to town, and all the acrobats were going to be flipping on Trump. Carter Page, Rick Gates, Paul Manafort, Papadopoulos…it promised to be quite a show. Sadly, not ready for prime time. I’d want my money back if I’d bought a ticket.

  9. @ Mark March 18, 2018 at 2:10 pm

    you will not destroy America…America will triumph over you

    As did Germany, over literally Hitler. Of course, that was after the camps. And those were only after The Night of the Long Knives. I raise mein shtein to you’re echos of history, Kerr Brennan!


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