Sunrise over the Swamp – IOTW Report

Sunrise over the Swamp


Canada Free Press: As the media battles pitting dueling, partisan strategists, talking over each other as they debate – if belching non sequitur talking-points is debating – the significance of this White House firing or hiring, or evidence of collusion or not, touting this “bombshell” announcement or that debunking of it, all this white noise ringing in our ears has, to many, become sound fury signifying nothing.

And we, many, are growing weary of it.

Meanwhile, from the Washington Examiner, as much a GOPe shill site as the Washington Post carries water for the DNC, we read this:

“Special counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors have invoked an unusual ‘conspiracy to defraud the government’ charge to ensnare a Russian cyber network and could use the same legal strategy to go after President Trump and his associates, even if the conspiracy is not linked to a criminal act.”

By that standard of justice, a significant percentage of the American citizenry could – if they had the means – charge the federal government with conspiracy to defraud the nation, multiple times over, across decades.

Beginning with, say, the 1960s, here are but a few examples of government fraud:

  • Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty (making people dependent on government);
  • Nixon-Kissinger’s “peace with honor” in the Vietnam War (by abandoning the South Vietnamese);
  • Nixon’s War on Drugs (over 65,000 U.S. deaths in 2016 alone, in a war lost);
  • Bill Clinton’s finger wag, “I didn’t have sex with that woman” and the puppet show called impeachment that meant nothing;
  • George Bush I says “read my lips, no new taxes,” and yet there were;
  • George Bush II, and the elusive Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction;
  • the Internal Revenue Service’s (who does it serve?) effort to stymie Tea Party organizations (and Lois Learner still draws a pension);


8 Comments on Sunrise over the Swamp

  1. mickey,
    If I were to subscribe to any one paper in the world, it would be the Canada Free Press. More balanced than anything else out there.
    I saw an ad on the cable for NY Slime. They tried to make themselves to be balanced, investigative, and hard hitting. Puke!

  2. I have a small issue that’s beginning to bother me.
    And that’s the use of the word swamp as a derogatory description of Washington DC politics.

    The swamp in real life is a beautiful and productive piece of earth. Think cypress trees, fish,shrimp, and gators. Not descriptive at all.

    Whereas, cess pool or sewer lagoon is more of an apt description of the political world. It is full of shit and smells foul.


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