Gore Goes To Dubai and Warns Arabs of Flying Rivers and Rain Bombs – IOTW Report

Gore Goes To Dubai and Warns Arabs of Flying Rivers and Rain Bombs

Climate Depot-

Former Vice President Al Gore is at it again. Gore is attempting to link extreme weather to man-made climate change, this time warning of “flying rivers” and “rain bombs.” But in a new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, Gore is accused of engaging in scientifically baseless “weather porn” for attempting to link every bad weather event to “global warming.

He described flying or atmospheric rivers as long streams of rain-bearing clouds that carry huge amounts of water vapour over long distances, ending as heavy rain bombs over a small, concentrated area. Gore said a city in California was recently hit by such weather, with the ‘river’ in the air having flown thousands of kilometres from an area in the Pacific Ocean.

Gore also said climate change could make large parts of the Middle East uninhabitable, which would create “climate refugees”, who would clash with settled populations in cities. [Note: In addition to debunking extreme weather/climate link, The new book: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change,” thoroughly refutes Gore’s claim on both climate and war. 


11 Comments on Gore Goes To Dubai and Warns Arabs of Flying Rivers and Rain Bombs

  1. I’m reasonably sure that at the end of his dog and pony show he asked for massive amounts of money. It’s not cheap living his carbon burning life style.

  2. Uncle Al’s Shakedown Medicine Show isn’t playing too well for the home crowd, so he has to go to foreign lands to scare the locals out of their shekels

    … got it … watch your gold teeth Ahab

  3. Al Gore is the climate P.T. Barnum. He decided that his road to riches was to cash in on his notoriety and shill for junk science.
    Like so many democrats, instead of working toward the betterment of their fellow man they choose to exploit those easily swayed to enrich themselves while all the time prattling on with a morally superior tone.

  4. “Gore also said climate change could make large parts of the Middle East uninhabitable.”

    Large parts of the uninhabitable desert wasteland that is the middle east will become uninhabitable you say, Al? Who would notice? Oh, you meant more uninhabitable…


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