Kroger Won’t Sell Magazines That Feature Assault Rifles – IOTW Report

Kroger Won’t Sell Magazines That Feature Assault Rifles

Will they stop selling magazines that advertise movies that have assault rifles in them?

By the way. What’s an assault rifle?

USA Today-

Kroger said it will stop selling magazines that feature assault rifles as part of a tightening of its policies in the wake of the Parkland mass shooting and growing national anger over gun violence.

The Cincinnati-based supermarket retailer said the new policy is being phased in now across its national chain. Kroger didn’t name specific titles, but periodicals that have featured assault weapons include: Guns & AmmoTactical Life and Recoil.

“We regularly review the company’s assortment of periodicals and make merchandising decisions based on customer preferences,” said Kroger spokeswoman Kristal Howard.

Kroger officials said the latest decision dovetails with the retailer’s move a few weeks ago to raise the minimum age to buy guns from its Fred Meyer chain from 18 to 21.

29 Comments on Kroger Won’t Sell Magazines That Feature Assault Rifles

  1. Commies closing their fists on the heart of America. It’s damn scary how many fronts are capitulating to the insidious takeover.

    Watching INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS always reminds me that it is a warning of commie invasion. They take over as you complacently hide behind ‘Rights’ that are eroding out from under your feet.

    Damn, I hate ‘social justice and signalling’ Good bye Kroger.

  2. This is all because I shot my own Thanksgiving turkey last year, isn’t it?

    I mean, come on – you’ve already banned me from the store – what more do you want?!!

  3. Do they mean bullet magazines? Because if they are talking about periodicals, that is a dumb and weak rock to stand on. Does anyone even buy these in a grocery store anymore?

  4. some one please tell me

    why we cannot have cigarette commercials on tv because they influence children to buy and smoke cigarettes but we can let them watch hours of mind numbing violent movies and video games and every sexual perversion such as homosexuals and transgenders on tv and that will not affect them one bit ?

    how come 18 year olds can vote and join the military but not buy beer ?

    how come 14 year olds are old enough to get an abortion without parental consent but are not old enough to vote ?

    and does kroger know that pop tarts can be bitten into the shape of a gun with deadly results ? how about people hands being formed into the shape of a gun and pointed at someone ?

  5. I live in extreme gun/Trump country and love my supermarket, Smith’s, which is a subsidiary of Kroger. I will look at their magazine rack and complain if they have followed Kroger’s policy.

  6. So they ban magazines that feature “assault weapons” but they’ll continue to sell cigarettes, liquor and junk food which kill far more people than “assault weapons”. They want to seem like they’re taking a stand, just as long as it doesn’t hurt their bottom line too much or at all.

  7. I know those blue towers pop up in the red hinterlands. So unless somebody reading this has way more data to hand, or way more obsessive-compulsive tendencies, than I, this might just be anecdotal.

    But… Does Kroger have significant market dominance, even penetration, in Bluelandia? It seems that going out of your way to alienate many (most?) of your customers, to roll on your back screeching “Look at me!” (like a redheaded step-Stuart) could never be a return on investment (let alone a significant return on investment).

    Those WAG numbers may be totally wrong. Or, maybe, Kroger’s NGO apparatchiks (as always, playing with other people’s money) may personally benefit more from attacking those other people’s Ponzi stocks (same as it often is).

  8. From what I could see when I last visited Raleigh, NC, the Kroger there was heading downhill fast. It used to be about the best grocery store in that area about 20-30 years ago. I guess libtards took it over and are running it into the ground.

  9. Regarding age limits restrictions: make it 20 for everything (drivers licenses, gun buying, serving in military, cigarettes & alcohol purchases, voting rights, everything).
    You are no longer a teen.
    Makes it real easy.

  10. Who in the world can afford to shop at Kroger anyway? Our Kroger is too dangerous to go to. You need a gun just to get thru the parking lot. No joke.

    Janny Oh, what part of Memphis do you live in?

    I don’t care if Kroger sells these magazines or not, it’s their bottom line not mine; during The Great Starbuck’s Virtue Signaling era, they said they’d comply with state and local laws re: concealed carry. They put up the “No Gunz” sign, I’m gone.

    My semi-rural local one has already had an armed robbery or two, more recently a multiple stabbing/car jacking and has had the county Sheriff’s camera cart in the parking lot for a few months. (And I live in what was supposedly a “good” part of the county.)


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