DAVID SORENSEN: I Suffered A Trial By Media At The Hands Of The Washington Post. I Was Presumed Guilty – IOTW Report

DAVID SORENSEN: I Suffered A Trial By Media At The Hands Of The Washington Post. I Was Presumed Guilty

DC: Malcolm X once said: “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power.”

Even with the American public’s trust in their media at historic lows, the liberals who dominate the press appear to view that sentiment not as a cautionary tale but as an opportunity. Liberal editors and reporters have brazenly weaponized journalism in order to consolidate political power for the Democratic Party—not just by how they report the news but by how they decide what is news.


A recent Morning Consult poll found that 11 of the 14 most polarizing brands in corporate America today are news outlets — including storied institutions like NBC, CBS, ABC and The Washington Post. I spent years fighting liberal media bias as a GOP communications director because of the threat it poses to our country and to my party, but never did I think media bias would so thoroughly devastate my personal life.

On February 9, The Washington Post published a hit piece that my ex-wife, Jessica Corbett, had shopped to them. It was a platform from which she could lob baseless accusations of domestic violence against me and get the attention she craved by claiming her place in the #MeToo movement. The Post was complicit in her vendetta against me, and I was forced to resign my position as a White House speechwriter as a result.

The Post had no court records, no police reports, no witnesses, no compelling photos — no corroborating evidence of physical abuse of any kind. All the Post had was my accuser’s word to support her allegations. Despite the extensive FBI background check I was subjected to for my job, the White House told the Post that its query was the first they had heard of the allegations.

But with similar, yet far more credible, allegations coming out about another White House staffer, the prospect of a sensational one-two punch to President Trump was too attractive for the Post to resist.

In the ensuing storm, I calmly issued a 13-page document with extensive text message and photo evidence documenting that in reality, I was the victim of domestic violence at the hands of my accuser, and that her false accusations were her fulfillment of a divorce proceeding threat to smear me if I didn’t give her what she wanted. Our short and tumultuous marriage had ended when I sued her for divorce and prevailed on our key points of contention.

I stated unequivocally to the media that not only am I innocent of her allegations, but I have never been violent in any way toward any woman in my entire life. I was raised by a naval officer and a church administrator. When I read the completely fabricated allegations against me, I was revolted. I bristled with disgust at the mere thought of hurting a woman in such a way.

In the following hours and days, three of Jessica’s (now-former) friends, with whom I had not spoken since our split, told reporters of her dishonesty, instability, and explosive temperament, as well as multiple occasions on which they had personally witnessed Jessica’s physical violence against me.  READ MORE

13 Comments on DAVID SORENSEN: I Suffered A Trial By Media At The Hands Of The Washington Post. I Was Presumed Guilty

  1. The previous story about the students at a gun range, this story, and Ann Coulter’s remarks about a strong right wing youth movement, all go together. Liberals keep pushing too hard and too far, and eventually decent people get mighty ticked off and respond. Sorenson responded correctly and rationally, but many others won’t. And I can’t blame them if they do…

  2. Despite all the media tactics and all, I have a question for this guy: Did you know, or had an inkling that your wife was an insane bitch before you married her or did you ignore it because you thought it was “Cute” that she was a little cray?

  3. The left says that the Second Amendment should only allow those weapons that were in existence when the Bill of Rights was enacted. The response to that has been that the media should only be entitled to what existed at the time of the enactment of the Bill of Rights.

    There is more to that than just a pithy remark. Think about it. The anti-2A crowd thinks that too much damage can be done with modern weapons to allow people to possess them. When CNN makes up Fake News, they can spread it around the world in seconds. Look at the damage they can do with that. I have on-line friends in the Middle East and in Africa. Isn’t it dangerous to allow the power to engage in such communications dangerous as well?

    Of course I am playing Devil’s Advocate, but this should give leftists something to think about. If they don’t want to use CNN as the example, they could use Fox News or Breitbart. But the left already want to silence those media.

  4. The media isn’t called the Fourth Estate for nothing.
    Even if it IS America’s Fifth Column.

    “Kick em when they’re up;
    Kick em when they’re down.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. My experience (though admittedly limited) is that “crazy” doesn’t really come out until the deed is done. That said, the media has been trying people in the court of opinion for a very long time, but as Rickey so aptly points out, the fake news and false accusations are reaching a fever crescendo creating the potential for some dire (not unintended) consequences.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. 70 years ago i lived in Arlington and I figured out the Post was a peddler of leftist bigotry. Nothing has changed in 70 years; other than the names of the FAKE NEWS fabricators! Still bigots!

  7. I can relate to this story. It is very difficult to be the man in a situation like his. First of all, who will believe you? Second, where do you go for help? Stay strong.


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