Pam Dawber Says Robin Williams Was a Serial Groper and a Flasher and “it was so much fun!” – IOTW Report

Pam Dawber Says Robin Williams Was a Serial Groper and a Flasher and “it was so much fun!”

Like I said, there is no valid #metoo movement. It depends on who you are.

Good pal Whoopiee would probably say it wasn’t a grope grope.


“I had the grossest things done to me by him,” [Pam] Dawber has written in a soon-to-be-published biography of Williams, quotes from which were published by the Daily Mail. “I never took offense. I mean I was flashed, humped, bumped, grabbed. I think he probably did it to a lot of people … but it was so much fun”
“He’d be doing a paragraph and in the middle of it he would just turn and grab her ass,” Storm said. “Or grab a breast. And we’d start again. I’d say, ‘Robin, there’s nothing in the script that says you grab Pam’s ass.’ And he’d say: ‘Oh, OK.”’
“He would take all his clothes off, he would be standing there totally naked and she was trying to act. His aim in life was to make Pam Dawber blush,” added [producer Garry] Marshall...
 h/t #NotMeToo

17 Comments on Pam Dawber Says Robin Williams Was a Serial Groper and a Flasher and “it was so much fun!”

  1. Robin Williams was notoriously out of control in his Mark days, at least. He always was extremely kinetic.

    I was often surprised by his movies. good WILL HUNTING, THE FISHER KING, INSOMNIA, GOOD MORNING VIETNAM, and others; I wondered how they harnessed him. I think he was always hiding behind his energy, like a magician does sleight of hand.

    A troubled soul, pedaling as fast as he could to get away from his demons, when they were always inside of him. So sad for his family’s loss.

  2. He made me laugh… He did have some genius traits, but like many blessed with intelligence he was quite manic depressive and full of constant anxiety…

  3. Ah,the 70s. Sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. Robin Williams was probably out-of-bounds with his antics during that period, but not by that much. The 1970s’ lifestyle was probably not good for young people and definitely not a long term lifestyle, but damn could it be fun.

    Today is a no-fun environment. Sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll will get you fired, arrested and censored by the sanctimonious and hypocritical assholes who have annointed themselves the arbiters of today’s social mores. Similar to their economic principles, liberals believe that if someone is having fun, this means someone else is not and cannot have fun because there is only so much fun to go around. We must be very, very careful about what we say, do and think because someone may be offended, and if they are not offended progressives will pressure them until they are. The “me” generation has evolved into the “metoo” generation and will probably evolve further into the “meat” generation because all they are are flesh robots who must keep their leaders in power.

    Sorry, strayed off topic. I enjoyed Robin Williams, and if Pam Dawber wasn’t offended then it’s o.k. by me.

  4. Robin Williams wasn’t particularly funny to me. I don’t really know why. I liked Steve Martin and all of those stupid British sitcoms, so it’s not like I don’t like silliness. He always seemed so ADHD and out of control. Anyway, I agree with Wyatt, people had more fun in the 70s. All of that flirtatious fun we had. Kids today are missing out on the fun of being young.

  5. I think there is a reasonableness in situations, whether or not this qualifies. I think flirting and fun can be part of a work situation, as long as everyone is okay with it. You get to know your coworkers, someone does something a little silly and people don’t mind, it escalates in a controlled way until you reach a level that matches your personalities. Perhaps Dawber was okay with the level of what Williams did, feeling confident that he cared about her and wouldn’t do anything beyond a little grabass.
    A recent coworker, with whom I worked closely for several years, talked a lot about her boobs. She also told me intimate details of her sex life. I didn’t mind, we continue to flirt but with no expectation, and we trust each other well enough to do that.

  6. Look for the clip on YouTube where Williams is coked up and annoying the crap out of the master Jonathan Winters (who had his own issues) on the Carson show. This apparently was while Williams was somewhat restrained…imagine when he wasn’t. Wait, now we don’t have to.

  7. What is permissible behavior (I think) ultimately boils down to intent. When Robin Williams grabbed Pam Dawber’s breast, she knew it was all about comedy and shocking conduct. Getting mad at him would be like getting upset with a mischievous kid, which he was for his entire life. His intent was not lascivious or evil, and everyone knew it. Compare that with Harvey Weinstein groping a woman’s breast and you’ll see what I mean.


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