ICE chief: 3 illegal aliens committed crimes since warned of raid in Oakland – IOTW Report

ICE chief: 3 illegal aliens committed crimes since warned of raid in Oakland

American Thinker; Thomas Homan, deputy director at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said at a White House roundtable on immigration, that three illegal aliens warned of an ICE raid in Oakland by Mayor Libby Schaaf have since committed crimes.

The warning of the impending raid is being looked at by Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a possible violation of the law.

Washington Times:

“Three of the people we couldn’t locate have since reoffended,” Mr. Homan announced at a White House roundtable called by President Trump Tuesday to put pressure on sanctuary cities to drop their policies.

Across the nation in California, meanwhile, Los Alamitos, a small city in Orange County, voted to opt out of the state’s chief sanctuary law that restricts cooperation between local officers and federal authorities.

The city council’s 4-1 vote will have to be repeated next month to be finalized, but Mayor Troy Edgar said he hoped other cities would follow their lead.

“As the mayor of Los Alamitos, we are not a sanctuary city,” he said, the Orange County Register reported.

The city’s challenge is the latest round in an ongoing battle over three laws California enacted last year to protect illegal immigrants [sic] and thwart federal immigration agents and officers.

The chief law restricts police and sheriff’s departments from providing cooperation with immigration authorities.  Another law prohibits jails from expanding contracts with the federal government to hold illegal immigrants [sic], and gives state officials investigative powers to probe existing facilities.  The third law bans businesses from voluntarily cooperating with immigration authorities.

Trump has continually been thwarted by the courts in rescinding money from law enforcement due to sanctuary city policies.  It may be that unless Congress can act, there is nothing to be done on that front.

But clearly, something must be done. MORE

15 Comments on ICE chief: 3 illegal aliens committed crimes since warned of raid in Oakland

  1. any mayor of any so-called ‘sanctuary’ city that deliberately interferes w/ the arrest/incarceration of any illegal that subsequently commits a crime should be charged as an accessory to the crime

    … no justice … no peace

  2. The citizens of Oakland need to charge their mayor, at the very least these newest victims join in a class-action lawsuit.
    These officials have to be held accountable by the people they harm for any real and meaningful change to occur.
    Jeff Sessions bringing charges is absolutely needed and will help, but will not turn the tide for what is truly needed.
    The PEOPLE MUST TAKE A STAND, otherwise they deserve every crime committed to them and in their community by the illegal invaders.

  3. Joe6pak — Yes, I watched the roundtable and heard this guy speak. He said, in effect, those are the crimes they were arrested for — not any others they, and the others who were warned, probably committed.

    What a freaking mess! i feel so sorry for any American who is suffering needlessly because of these criminals’ helpers in gov’t.

  4. She and others need to take some Parental responsability for these Dreamers !
    They brought them here, they are keeping them here, they are now their Legal Gaurdians and need to be punished Per Crime committed !

  5. joe6pak — POTUS Trump has been trying to avoid “ruling” with a pen and phone, and place the responsibility back on the congress where it belongs constitutionally. Since they are the ones who send our tax dollars to the states, they are the ones who should be cutting off states. At least that is my understanding of it. AG Sessions is already suing so called “sanctuary” states/cities for blocking federal law on illegals. Likewise, there is a growing list of cities suing the federal gov’t in return. These lawsuits are no doubt going to have to wend their way through the courts and finally to the SCOTUS before there is a final answer — don’t ask me why. Illegals have already committed a felony crime just by being here illegally. But so long as Leftist, activist judges give standing to these suits — as they did on the question of the travel ban — these issues will have to be heard by the Supremes. It’s not only a terrible waste of our money, but it will cost more lives.

  6. Here’s a good article on AG Sessions’ recent visit to CA and the charges he is bringing against that state, naming the defendants, Jerry Brown and and their AG Becerra.

    As far as I can tell, CA doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on, so I imagine this is either a Hail Mary to the 9th circuit or a delaying tactic to gather more public steam (and Geo. Soros millions) against this administration.

  7. …just keep in mind: the Left does not care about citizen safety, jobs or U.S. sovereignty. This is about illegal votes to keep CA electors in the D column (in the fed congress and WH). That is why we have mayors and state congresses and governors trying to block POTUS Trump.

  8. “The warning of the impending raid is being looked at by Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a possible violation of the law.”

    Well, he’s had a whole friggin’ month. What the hell, Jeff; do your damned job, or get the hell out and let someone else do it. I wish Trump would fire Sessions and put Rudy Guiliani in as AG.

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