McCabe’s ‘Secret Memos’ Revealed! – IOTW Report

McCabe’s ‘Secret Memos’ Revealed!

American Greatness: [Kurt Schlichter] Attorney General Jeff Sessions canned FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for doing things much worse than anything Robert Mueller and his pack of Democrats accuse former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn of doing. But that didn’t spare liberals everywhere from feeling shocked and outraged that one of their own should be held (in a tiny way) responsible for his crimes.

Emergency rooms across the land have filled with people seeking whiplash treatment. Last week, the FBI was a paragon of integrity that only Putin-licking traitors would question. Today, the FBI is a Trump-loving den of red-hatted MAGAmen because the Bureau’s own ethics people recommended McCabe’s sacking. Quite a 180!

But there was something that cheered up the faithful. Some liberal—gee, wonder who?—leaked word that McCabe kept personal notes about his time at the FBI, and that these were now in Mueller’s hands. Boy, oh boy! This time Trump is going down for sure!

The following are not excerpts of McCabe’s notes, but they totally could be.

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“Well, I am starting this memorandum because I need to make a record in case Donald Trump fires Jim Comey, and Robert Mueller gets named special counsel, and then I get fired. So, I’m keeping these notes starting today, March 21, 2018. I mean March 21, 2017. Yeah, 2017.”

* * *

“So, I wore that blue tie with the silver stripes Jim once said he liked, but this morning he didn’t say ANYTHING. And I know he saw it. Did I do something to make him mad at me? I HATE THIS!”

* * *

“We had a briefing today and I could hardly stand it. Bank robbers. Drug dealers. Terrorists. BORING! I brought up the important stuff, like how the New York Times was reporting that Trump’s people once had a dinner where they served borscht. Who’s following up on that? TREASON!”

* * *

“I can’t tell you how disgusted I am with the Republican Party for embracing Trump, Thankfully, there are still powerful and respected conservative voices out there supporting #TheResistance and advocating total, abject submission to the establishment, like Bill Kristol and Matthew Dowd!”

* * *

“This morning, I briefed the Director on my plan for ‘The James Comey Lecture Series on Integrity and Dedication.’ He said he LOVED IT! I was walking on air! Then he repeated a quote by Abe Lincoln and, wow, Jim is just AMAZING!”


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“Had a big meeting today with Peter Strozk and Lisa Page about the Flynn investigation. They spent the whole time texting each other across the table and giggling.”

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“Today was my first meeting with Trump—I still can’t call him ‘President Trump.’ I went into the Oval Office with Jim and sat down, and when I introduced myself, he said, ‘You know, you look like that guy from TV. Who is that guy, Reince?” And Priebus said, ‘Bill Pullman?’ and Trump said, ‘No, that other guy,’ and Preibus said, ‘Ed Begley, Jr.?’ And Trump said, ‘Yeah, Ed Begley, Jr.’ Then he called me ‘Ed’ the whole time. Jerk.”


h/t Bob.

13 Comments on McCabe’s ‘Secret Memos’ Revealed!

  1. Andy better get his hustle on and pen that tell-all book before Comey’s hits the stands.

    Among said “memo’s” of their convo’s with Trump they purportedly walked off with, I wonder how many they kept of their interactions with each other. I’m sure they’re each wondering the same. No honor among thieves.

  2. Today I wore my Fredricks of Hollywood pink panties to work, Jimmy noticed when we met in the bathroom and asked if I was wearing the matching cupless bra.

    I showed him mine and he showed me his.

  3. What a complete waste of tax payer money the FBI team is. It sounds like a bunch of school kids squabbling over worthless he did she did BS. Apparently there are no actual adults in charge anywhere within the operation. They just spit at each other and toss blame around. Isn’t there anyone who can take command and actually get the little kids to sit quietly in the back seat of the car? Looks not. Maybe an outside of the operation adult should be brought in with a club.

  4. I’m sick and tired of the swamp not being held accountable for their actions. Out of a 5 gallon bucket I might have an ounce of patience left. And what about this budget that the House just passed, it’s an absolute OUTRAGE!

  5. His notes are in Mueller’s hands not because there’s anything on Trump, but because he thinks that’s the best way to keep his notes away from any other investigation. It worked for Comey’s memos.

  6. @ThirdTwin, both Comey’s and McCabe’s supposed “notes” would be official FBI work product, and would be the property of the FBI.
    They would be required to turn them over to the FBI immediately at termination, if not before. As confidential Presidential discussions they would be Classified as well.
    Wray could demand Mueller hand over all these missing/”stolen” FBI documents immediately.

  7. Rufus, that’s a lot of “would” and “could” when you’re talking about Mueller. The only possible way McCabe’s memos are revealed is at his trial. And even then, it will be tough getting them from Mueller.


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