Omnibus Venting Open Thread – IOTW Report

Omnibus Venting Open Thread

“To prevent the omnibus situation from ever happening again, I’m calling on Congress to give me a line item veto for all government spending bills and the senate must end — they must end — the filibuster rule and get down to work,”
-President Donald Trump


Signing the was a huge mistake. Calling a presser and vetoing this monstrosity would have been a game-changing moment. Instead, it’s all lost now.


I love our country too much to stop fighting because President Trump signed the omnibus bill. My love of country trumps allowing the democrats to regain power.


Congratulations on virtually guaranteeing losing the House in 2018, alienating 70% of your supporters, getting stuffed in a locker by the Democrats, and exploding an already unsustainable national debt.


If you did not listen to Trump’s speech about signing the omnibus budget bill, you must do so. It will disgust you. It was a complete and total surrender to the Washington Establishment. Trump is now a lame duck President.



Patriots!!! Trump signed Omnibus because his veto would have been overturned and the possibility military funding, as it has not been in so many years, would never have happened. He had to do it. Now, focus on replacing the republicans who stabbed him in the back!!

38 Comments on Omnibus Venting Open Thread

  1. So much for American jobs for Americans:

    The new spending bill covering the remainder of the fiscal year includes a provision to again allow the Department of Homeland Security to exceed the annual cap on admissions of unskilled non-agricultural workers. This step, if fully implemented by USCIS, potentially would add as many as 63,000 additional H-2B guest workers next year, nearly doubling the size of this program.

    Just one of many, many crap sandwiches we were just handed.

  2. We have two wings of the same damn dirty bird…………with only a few Pubs who give a rip.

    Everyone cares about lining their own pockets and getting re-elected versus principle.

    I’m done with them……and I’m disgusted Trump didn’t stand up to them over this.

  3. Naw, I’m not so quick to bail yet.

    McConnell and Ryan on the other hand are the “Vichy” Republicans of our time. Focus your negative energy on these two useless idiots.

    Huge funding for the Military, ongoing funding (but not increasing) for progressive crap. During the Obama / Hillary years it was / would be just the opposite.

    He’s outgunned at the moment by News Media, Entertainment Media, Sports Media, Academia, Congress (both houses) and other institutions and yet he is moving the conversation in a conservative direction. Even the Oscars found in necessary to salute the troops (although begrudgingly).

    If you can get 20% or 30% performance out of a politician your doing great. Trump exceeds this with his tax cuts, ISIS, taking on trade, transparency tweets, appointing the ‘stache (Bolton) and generally pissing off the anti-American communist democrats, all within his first year.

    Never a big Trump fan, never watched his shows. But he continues to get results.

    I do not see that his signing of this Omnibus POS as his endorsement, just a setback. We are in a war, and we do not always win the major battles. But he is still on our side.

  4. First time I’ve been angry and disappointed in Donald J. Trump. This is how he loses his base. GOP wipe out in Nov, impeachment and possible trial if senate goes dem. I feel sick. I wish he had come out and lit the damn bill on fire.

  5. He acted as if this bill was a surprise and that he had to sign it because it came up so suddenly and The Deadline! Or shutdown!
    This bill has been in the works for weeks at least, the deadline has been known for a long time. This is not a surprise. GOP completely abdicates responsibility for a transparent bill and enough time to debate it. No respect for anyone in this, except for the Rand Pauls who call out the shenanigans.

  6. I would like a breakdown of this, line by line, just who took the most screwing and who got the upper hand and why. Seriously. Because this isn’t just a 6-month thing. Some parts of it could stretch out for years after.

  7. “Patriots!!! Trump signed Omnibus because his veto would have been overturned and the possibility military funding, as it has not been in so many years, would never have happened. He had to do it. Now, focus on replacing the republicans who stabbed him in the back!!”

    C’mon people. Let’s “fix it” by denigrating desperately needed military funds (at a time we have precarious issues to deal with vis a vis NoKo?), and then what — “not supporting” Trump? Sure, yeah. Not voting or voting for a Democrat will fix it.

    Grow up. Trump knows the bill stinks. Triage. He Had No Choice. Vote out the Rinos!

  8. Stop freaking tweeting about fighting Joe Biden and fight for the American people you child…
    This bill never should have got this far and when it did u signed it. New boss same as the old boss.
    I’m done. He will add more debt than Obama guaranteed.
    You just gave the midterms to the Dems. Make America Liberal Again

  9. If we had elected any of the other Rep candidates, what would be different? This monstrosity would have still gone through. All that Trump has accomplished would not have even been attempted. I’ll take a wait and see attitude. Considering the alternative, it could be worse.

  10. Having been in a similar situation, I understand the view that he is to blame. Like others have said, he really had no choice in the matter at hand. A damned if you do/don’t scenario.
    The key here is that as a leader you get all of the praise as well as all of the hate. It is up to you, as an involved and informed citizen, to make sure the bastards who forced his hand pay dearly. Shitty part is that it requires Ryan’s constituents to oust him, not us… he’s not our representative. Same goes for all the other Re-pug-licans. We must change locally to effect the National Stage but as long as your guy gets you the goods, why would you change?

  11. I am very down, but I’m going to put the only good spin forward on this debacle and I pin my one hope on General Mattis’s genuine thankfulness on giving the military what it wanted and needed. To that end, I think President Trump sacrificed his political career for the men and women who sacrifice to keep us safe every day. PDT is not stupid – if he was played he knows it and let it go for a higher cause.

  12. He probably had to in order to fund the military as WW3 is around the corner and there’s no time to squabble.

    Still supporting Trump but awaiting an explanation.

  13. What I wrote above and possibly some swift action about to take place regarding indictments. In general, my feeling is that there’s huge events about to take place and you won’t even care about him signing the bill. We will see it was necessary.

    Just a gut feeling is all.

  14. Let’s plan the long game…
    March 2018 – Trump signs Omnibus to fund the Gov’t through Sept 31, 2018.
    Sometime between April and May 2018 – Horrowitz IG report lands.
    Immediately after – Trump Total Vindication.
    Immediately after – Sessions’ appointed prosecutor (already in place) begins handing down indictments:
    CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS completely melt down with their hair on fire.
    September 2018: Trump gets a REAL budget that includes the WALL.
    November 2018: GOP keeps the House & Senate
    The next 6 years: More Winning!

    Could happen.

  15. No one would damn him if he vetoed it who hadn’t damned him before.

    This is a damn by his supporters. A first.

    If Lamar Alexander votes for it, it’s a sellout. When Bob Corker voted against it, that means he is running for re-election.

  16. @ HungJumper March 23, 2018 at 4:08 pm

    > The only way this ends is an Article V Convention of the States

    I do not think that word means what you think it means

  17. This is such a let-down. We spent 8 years being hammered every day with some new bile-infested, anti-American action. We fought hard and elected someone who made big promises. We have had an up and down year; some winning and some disappointments. But it seems that the winning was just enough to whet our appetites for what could be possible – defeat of the left.

    Now, we get slammed by reality. It’s a black day for conservatives. Dammit, I’m tired of everyone trying to save face and support someone who made such bold, strong promises. We need and expected a Patton. I feel betrayed.

    Having said all that, I still hope. I will hope until the day I die. God, give us strength.

  18. Also, be sure to call/email the President, your Reps, and Sentors. Multiple times. Tell them clearly how you feel and what you expect on everything from the budget to indictments for treason. Also, don’t forget to pray. Start reading Psalms and using them as the basis for prayer, meditation, and encouragement. They are very relevant to what we are seeing now. God is involved in the affairs of men. Our country was founded as a result of people seeking to glorify the Lord and advance the cause of Christ. (Read the Mayflower Compact)

    Be of good courage!

  19. @grool March 23, 2018 at 5:05 pm

    > Should have vetoed, no matter what.

    But, grool! If he vetoed it, Congress would just override the veto! Just ask Hillary. She’ll tell you. And then where would we be? What? Oh… never mind.

  20. Not happy. Not bailing on Trump.

    It’s a shit bill put forth by shit politicians and he would have gotten slammed no matter what he did. Vetoes can be overridden, so either way he would have looked weak. I’m willing to see it play out because we’re still really damn lucky not to have Hillary (the fucking lunatic killer communist lush) Clinton in the White House. And there are still plenty of people who would love to have her fat ass in residence there, and no shortage of insane leftards ready and willing to step up to the plate in her place, and even more insane and cheating leftards out there to vote for them.


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