Student Safety Measure Poo-Pooed By New Leftist Spox God David Hogg – IOTW Report

Student Safety Measure Poo-Pooed By New Leftist Spox God David Hogg

After a month of attacking American’s Second Amendment rights, David Hogg says having to use clear backpacks infringes on his “First Amendment rights.” Hogg cites potential embarrassment for students going through “their menstrual cycle” because of their “tampons and stuff.” –  

The pencil neck goes on to say that there should be “more policies that make sure that these students are feeling safe and secure.”

Clear backpacks wouldn’t do that? School shooters have used backpacks to smuggle their guns and ammo into the building. Isn’t this one policy that could insure a measure of security?

Noooo… tampons.

You see, it doesn’t matter what ideas are implemented. It’s not about school safety. This Hogg is a mouthpiece for taking away the second amendment, period.

Armed teachers, armed SROs, metal detectors, clear backpacks, secured entryways — none of it fosters a feeling of security. Kids won’t be safe until law abiding citizens are stripped of their guns, so says the new voice of God in America- David Hogg.

Isn’t the left just a little embarrassed?

40 Comments on Student Safety Measure Poo-Pooed By New Leftist Spox God David Hogg

  1. I hate this guy but I also think this is an invasion of privacy. Metal detectors and random searches would be just as effective. People on meds, what your having for lunch is nobodies biz. I worked at a place that required clear lunch boxes. It doesn’t foster loyalty or trust.
    How about we just start raising decent kids and jailing the rotten ones?

  2. People keep yammering on about beta males. Well, at last, here is one. And what a prize he is. He makes the saddest little worker bee in the country look like Conan by comparison.

  3. If I had to raise children today
    today I would be home schooling
    or sending them to a carefully
    examined religious school.
    Thank God mine’s a grown adult
    who I sent to Catholic school
    instead of the local lock-ups.

  4. If Cruz was just taken seriously by everyone who spotted him to be a mental case, none of this would be necessary. NONE. But no, the new “ellen” won’t even consider snitching on or banning crazy asses from schools. It’s better to have murders take place -regardless of what instrument the criminal uses- just so “ellen” can get on TV and bitch.

  5. If, by his own admission, he is not mature enough to buy a rifle why would anyone think he is mature enough to make policy regarding constitutional rights? And obviously that goes for his fellow high schoolers.

  6. Also, just about every retail chain makes its workers carry see through containers while they are inside their workplace. Some of them will still check your bags before you leave the premises at the end of your shift.
    And that includes your purchases, too.

  7. I’ve resisted the puns all this time, but now I think that this one really fits him… whatta selfish little pig. He doesn’t give a frick about his dead classmates, he just wants to stay the leftist lap dog he is and be in the limelight and get attention. Disgusting.

  8. @refuse/resist. Precisely.
    He’s the Eddie Haskell of the neighborhood. Has a convo with the parents, brags about studying for the SATs in 6th grade, humbly recites last Sunday’s sermon and swears he flosses after every meal. While your parents ask “why can’t you be more like little Davey Hogg”?
    In the meantime, he’s molesting your little sis (or this case bro), pawning your Mom’s best silver he just stole, and poisoned the seeing eye dog of the blind kid who lives down the street.

  9. @pbird March 23, 2018 at 4:27 pm

    Hoggon, what is best in life?

    To curse your enemies, to see them laughing at you, and to hear the lamentations of our “men”.

  10. The little pencil necked shit has just about the most punchable face I’ve ever seen. Whoever his parents are, they need to tell him that until he reaches the age of legal adulthood, he needs to shut the hell up. No adult wants to be lectured to by an immature child with a brain not yet fully developed.

  11. Little pissant. He really does show his ignorance.
    Ooooo, let’s take away God given rights for people to defend themselves. WHAT??!!?? You want me to use a see through backpack?
    You’re violating my rights!!

  12. So this kid, who demands infringement of the Second Amendment, has his panties in a wad because “common sense gun control” that prevents concealment of weapons, infringes on HIS First Amendment rights. Actually it’s probably the Fourth Amendment but facts are useless on this vapid little twit.

  13. This kid’s not even a puppet of the left. He’s their rag doll, to be used, fought over and tossed aside, once they are finished with him. I see a future suicide watch for him, when he’s lost his usefulness, and realizes his ego was sucker punched.

  14. My wife has to suffer the indignity of transferring her stuff from one of her $300 or more designer purses into a stadium security approved clear plastic bag in order to be admitted into the civic center to watch an FSU basketball game.
    We accept it as part of the overall security measures good for all, even though she has to suffer the indignity of carrying a plastic bag with a strap like everyone else.


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