Swampholm Syndrome – IOTW Report

Swampholm Syndrome

17 Comments on Swampholm Syndrome

  1. LOL. Well,It’s still early. All we can do is see how this shit shakes out- and I don’t blame him entirely for this. He signed a shitty bill last year too because SHUT DOWN!!!11! remember? Thanks, GOPes.
    He’s much better than this. I’m annoyed. So now I have to just remember the good he’s done so far, and stop myself from throwing him under the bus. LOL. My eye is still twitching though…

  2. MJA I’m disappointed with the president. I know he did it for the military,General Mattie pleaded with him told him not to veto the bill. I’m for the military 100 💯 but Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan are mother fuc bitch I’m going to the capitol in April telling this mother fuc off.

  3. As I said earlier, listening to Trump today was like listening to Comey tell us how crooked Hillary was, and then exonerating her. At least Comey reopened the investigation. I don’t know how Trump can reopen this mess.

  4. Not to worry. Remember, the God who gave us Trump is the same God who knows how this turns out. This could be disguising a Yuge silver lining that not even POTUS knows about.

  5. AA, yesterday I would have told you that the story about Trump wanting to talk to Mueller was Fake News. And the story about how he’s really pushing for a bump stock ban, also Fake News. Not so sure anymore.

  6. @MJA March 23, 2018 at 5:37 pm

    > He’s much better than this.
    Hear hear.

    > He signed a shitty bill last year too because SHUT DOWN!!!11! remember?
    (sigh) yeah…

  7. @Thirdtwin March 23, 2018 at 5:55 pm

    > WWRRD?

    Like I care! If we’re dreaming of old, dead, white, guys, I want to know WWMRD? (QFMR if your obscène — h/t to Ms Jackson)


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