McCabe says Trump’s celebratory tweets are ‘cruel’ and ‘hurtful.’ – IOTW Report

McCabe says Trump’s celebratory tweets are ‘cruel’ and ‘hurtful.’

Gateway pundit:

McCabe Speaks Out About His Firing in Scathing Op-Ed ‘Not in My Worst Nightmares Did I Ever Dream My Career Would End This Way’.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions on March 16th with just hours to go before he was set to retire with a fat, taxpayer funded pension.

McCabe immediately released an angry statement following his firing.

He blasted President Trump for tweeting about him and calling for him to him to be stripped of his pension. McCabe also claimed he was being singled out for what he witnessed in the aftermath of Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey.

On Friday, Andrew McCabe defended himself against his firing in a scathing op-ed for the Washington Post.

“Not in my worst nightmares did I ever dream my FBI career would end this way..” McCabe says in his op-ed.

Hey, McCabe, we’re sure General Flynn feels the same way after Deep State criminals, led by you ruined his career.

McCabe describes the moment he found out he was fired:  MORE

h/t Bob.

18 Comments on McCabe says Trump’s celebratory tweets are ‘cruel’ and ‘hurtful.’

  1. “Not in My Worst Nightmares Did I Ever Dream My Career Would End This Way’. Yeah well, as a private citizen it is our worst nightmare to have the federal government mobilized against us and our President. Kiss my homesick ass, McCabe!

  2. 😆😆😆😆😆look him up 👮‍♀️👮‍♀️👮‍♀️👮‍♀️👮‍♀️👮‍♀️🙏🙏🙏 I don’t feel sorry for that mother fuc. He is definitely going to jail.

  3. I kinda think anal impalement would be much more appropriate. Or perhaps the old rat in the pail on your stomach with hot coals on its top to terrorize the rat into digging its way out. Too bad those punishments have been outlawed in Washington. Bad mouthing via tweets just doesn’t seem to cut it.

  4. You are just the beginning of a long list of treasonous crooks, Mr. McCabe. Don’t worry: soon you will have company, lots of it.

    The “end of your career” is the least of it; visualize prison! ..Lady in Red


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