Is he drunk or just plain stupid? – IOTW Report

Is he drunk or just plain stupid?


Public asked to help find incompetent thief in Stamford.

STAMFORD — A man caught on video doing such a poor job trying to steal a golf cart from Sterling Farms last week has police wondering if he wasn’t drunk during the attempted theft.

Police have released the 90-second video, hoping the public would be able to identify the man, who was seen pulling up to the golf cart in his pickup truck at 10:25 p.m. on March 16.

After backing the pickup to the cart, the man pulls out a webbed construction strap attached to the truck and, looking around quickly, ties a kindergarten knot around the wheel and jumps back into the pickup.

When he drives off, the strap quickly comes undone and he drives off. Watch

h/t KMM

20 Comments on Is he drunk or just plain stupid?

  1. Had a conversation with a neighbor about security cam systems yesterday.

    Over the last month, a thief has been occasionally pilfering something relatively small from our patios and trucks in the middle of the night. Mine was a tub I use to hold pesticide granules. I’m sure he thought tools were in it. Wish I could have seen the disappointment on his face when he opened it. ha

    This video and the police response reflects exactly what I told my neighbor. You may have a video of someone stealing something, but you won’t know who it is and unless you have a license plate or some other identifier – well, you have a video of your loss and that’s about it.

    My system did catch some darn cute things though. The kid across the street came over early in December one year and cut some twigs with red berries off my hollies. No loss at all to me and I would have gladly given him permission if he asked. He walked up to the tree slowly with hedge trimmers held to his side, looked left. Right. Left again. Then Snip snip snip and ran home.

    It was adorable. I showed it to his mom and said he can get some any time he wants, but this was just too cute not to share with her.

    Another time showed my 20-something youngest walk up to the house and a squirrel jumping on a thin Crape Myrtle branch that bent down and put the squirrel right in his face. Worthy of a comedy show at that point.

    Then there’s the possums…

  2. Imagine the feeling of relief when caught on video ‘not’ committing a crime v the feeling of embarrassment for being the biggest dope plastered all over the internet.

  3. Bob M. March 24, 2018 at 3:07 pm

    Wow… he’s so incompetent, EVEN Sheriff Israel could catch him! 😮

    Not unless he’s driving himself to the police station and turning himself in.

  4. lol. Not really. I’m saying Israel can’t catch him unless he delivers himself and you’re saying he doesn’t need to be caught if he delivers himself.

    Two different things. Nether one needs fixing. There is no wrong here.


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