The Difference Between Hockey and Soccer – IOTW Report

The Difference Between Hockey and Soccer

Euroweenie drama soy boys vs. men.

26 Comments on The Difference Between Hockey and Soccer

  1. I swear to God true story…

    When I was playing juniors in Saginaw, Michigan, Mark Fechter, our alternate captain got his nose broken from a high stick. It was the opening shift of the game. He went to the locker room to get fixed up. 2nd period in that same game, his very next shift he slammed some douche into the boards hard and broke the glass. He had to go back into the locker room to get his equipment vacuumed out because of shards of glass. Third period, his first shift, got into a fight and a game misconduct. I shit you not. That’s how winning is done.

  2. Speaking of icy cold, I was at work yesterday and it was so near freezing that when I took a whiz the hot pee hit the cold urinal water and it caused it to steam up! I was holding my breath (among other things) as I was enveloped in my own urine cloud!

  3. Clarkson University (out of Potsdam NY) girls hockey team has won National championship the last two years. They also won it a few years back, I think it was 2014. I hope President Trump’s invites them to the White House.

  4. Well I played soccer for 17 years as a goalie (High School, college and then recreational men’s leagues) and I have a laundry list of injuries that I played through or tried to play through that would rival any sport. Six concussions, broke or dislocated 1/2 of my fingers, near broken neck that required wearing a neck brace for 3 months, broken shoulder, fractured right tibia, stiches in my head and then finally the herinated disc in the lower back that finally got me to hang up the cleats.

    Being a bit of a nut case already, you had to have a bit of crazy in you to play the position. Now I’ll be the first to admit that watching players like in the video make me sick. He should have been red carded for faking the injury and thrown out of the game. Never the less, the drama some of these players go through in trying to trick the ref that they were injured makes my skin crawl. Yeah getting stepped on the foot hurts or kicked in the shin, but you don’t see rugby players acting like that.

    Now of course the first question is how did I get so f–ked up playing soccer. Half of it was from aggressive play on my part and taking chances, but the other half was because of the wannabees acting like the World Cup was on the line, hence very dirty play. The fractured tibia happened playing indoor soccer. I made a diving save and was on the ground, one of the opposing players ran past me and stomped down on my leg and broke it. Missed a month + of work since I could not drive with a cast on my leg. The broken shoulder happened when I jumped up to catch a ball and the asshole ran right under me to upend me and luckily I landed on my shoulder and not my head. This was just recreational soccer and a ton of dickheads didn’t care if you got hurt and missed work, so long as they won. One game the police had to come because of an intentional cheap shot from behind that hurt one of the guys on our team. That’s cause his 3 relatives (all Columbians) didn’t take kindly to their cousin being intentionally injured like that and then it was Animal House riot II.

    No worries about me, I got my share of payback. The only thing I worry about now in my 50’s is the lingering effects of the concussions (plus 3 more I had from other things). I haven’t turned into a raging liberal, so that’s a good sign I’m holding on. 🙂

  5. In defense of the soccer player….

    “IF” that was a bad sprained ankle… I’ve been right there…

    That being said, It had nothing to do with the defender… He stepped wrong.

    He was trying to draw a foul shot with his antics

  6. I’ll watch soccer during the World Cup and it’s not bad although to be honest can be a bit boring at times. One of the problems is that the faking injury act can be so blatant as to heap ridicule on the whole sport. From time to time they try to crack down on it but like a lot of other sports the “star” players get away with it. They ought to have instant replay for the refs to look at to determine whether real contact took place and if shown to be faking the player gets thrown out of the game. That would stop the practice fast.

  7. Mr. Illustr8r got a big kick out of this video. He and his brother played in the WHL for a few years way back when. “Land hockey for Girls” has been added to his list of go to insults. 👍

    Seattle is likely getting a hockey team in 2020. The worst part will be sharing the rink with the entitled snowflake “fans” that occupy this city. They’ll bring their Seahawk “12th man” attitude and probably yell loudly the whole time thinking that’s the way to behave.

  8. 35 years ago my wife urged my son to play soccer. I told my son many times it is no coincidence that soccer ans sissy bot start with “S”!..When his sons played soccer he sheepishly told me, “We live in Frisco. Everyone here is a sissy, what can I do?” You cant print my reply!

  9. Soccer is the ” N.W.O Sport of choice ” you can Exercise a large group of people on a small’ish conformed field, with only One ball which they will endlessly chase to until the Work Buzzer goes off !!!


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