Elizabeth Warren Writes Dear Abby? – IOTW Report

Elizabeth Warren Writes Dear Abby?

Sun Times-

DEAR ABBY: I’m hoping you can give me some guidance, as I am a huge fan and read your column regularly.

I am a 32-year-old woman whose mother and grandmother told me about our proud Native American heritage all my life. Several years ago, I got a large tattoo in our tribe’s language as a way to honor my family.

Recently, Mom did a DNA test and discovered that we are not, in fact, of Native American descent. We feel devastated and betrayed by our parents and grandparents for lying to us for generations. I haven’t shared this news with my husband, extended family and friends because I feel so ashamed and humiliated.

I told Mom that I would like to have my tattoo covered up or removed. It upset her and made her feel incredibly guilty. I’m not doing this to hurt her, but because I feel like a fraud and don’t want to lie about the tattoo’s meaning in the future.

Abby, your thoughts on how best to handle this situation? — TATTED AND CONFUSED

DEAR T and C: Considering the circumstances, I see no reason for continuing to wear a tattoo that would be a constant reminder you were lied to.

If your mother deliberately misled you, she has good reason to feel guilty. If she, too, was misled, then she’s as much a victim as you are.

My thought is that you are the only person who has to live in your own skin, and you should do with it whatever will make YOU happy.

ht/ jd hasty

24 Comments on Elizabeth Warren Writes Dear Abby?

  1. Dear Sean.
    I am at my wits end. This morning I got up for work at 7am. I didn’t disturb my husband Brian, who is out of work and on the dole, and has been for over a year now. But anyway I took off for work on my bike and half way to work the chain fell off the bike. I was so cold I couldn’t fix it so I walked it back home. When I got home I found Brian in bed with my best friend Shelia O’Brien.
    What should I do? My heart is broken. Margaret.
    Dear Margaret.
    This often happens. But it’s not a real problem.
    Bring the bike into the house where its warm and stand it on it’s handle bars and saddle. With a 5/8 spanner or wrench release the back wheel and pull it back so the chain is tight, but not too tight. And off to work ya go.
    Sean. Always glad to be of help.

  2. Have the offending tattooed area cut out with an X-acto knife, and cauterize it with fire – a small torch, or even an arc welder, will do. 🙄

    Idiots, and their tattoos… 😳

  3. Don’t worry about the tattoo. It has nothing to do with Indians and does not say what you were told it said. If it still bothers you, have it turned into a picture of Obama.

  4. Dear Tatted, Dear Tatted,
    You have no complaint
    You are what your are and you ain’t what you ain’t
    So listen up buster, and listen up good
    Stop wishing for bad luck and knocking on wood

    Signed, Dear Abby

  5. Dear T and C,

    Donate your ill-gotten 18 million dollar net worth and your undeserved Senate pension to some noble cause like Jude’s Hospital or curing cancer. You didn’t earn it so this will assuage much of your guilt.

    Get a position helping DACA and other illegals repatriate to their homeland, a situation you did help create. I am sure you will find a way to thrive at a non-profit organization.

    Hugs + Kisses,


    P.S. Tatoos can be easily removed by a skilled Deplorable using a blowtorch.

  6. It was a “thing” back in the 70s for college boys to write spoof letters to Dear Abby and Ann Landers to see if they could get them into print. You were a hero if you did.

  7. I was talking to a friend that is a registered member of the pine ridge tribe 1/8th blood. Took a genetic test and it came back with no American Indian ancestry.

    Thought that was interesting.

  8. Let Trump just declare June 17th, Native Indian day. When we can drink red beer, have a parade, dress like them, and celebrate the natives? Problem solved.

  9. Lied to, my ass.
    A chance to tell a stupid lie and open the doors of Affirmative Action without adverse consequences.

    Nobody told her any lies. SHE told the lies to land lucrative positions and advance her careers (academic and political).

    A pox on her.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Yautta hei
    me say, u faux injun….. me say, u fauxahontas ….. me say, u good boston yankee …. me say, teddie would’ve liked u much and have pond for u to bath in

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