Iraqi man lives with two wives and thirteen children on German taxpayer’s money – IOTW Report

Iraqi man lives with two wives and thirteen children on German taxpayer’s money

Voice of Europe:

Officially, polygamy is banned in Germany but several cases have already reached the surface. In the Bavarian district of Neumarkt an Iraqi refugee lives with his two wives and thirteen children, news portal Nordbayern reports.

The Iraqi family arrived with the first wave of refugees in 2015 and was initially housed together in a German asylum centre, says the district’s immigration head, Lothar Kraus. In the meantime the Iraqi man, his two wives and thirteen children have been registered as refugees.

That the polygamous marriage is banned under the Civil Code and even punishable under the Criminal Code in Germany, is not relevant here, explains the head of the immigration agency.

“If the marriages took place in Muslim countries, where polygamy is allowed according to the law in force there, both women are considered wives in Germany as well. The polygamous marriage can then be continued without punishment.  read more

8 Comments on Iraqi man lives with two wives and thirteen children on German taxpayer’s money

  1. Sadly, there are probably examples here that could be reported if the press was so inclined.
    We are “multicultural” the Mexicans are doing it here also.

  2. According to Lothar Kraus, Germany has no laws. Or they do, they’re just applicable to German citizens. Until the refugees obtain German citizenship, and then the laws are no longer applicable, or something.

    Face it Lothsome Kraut, sharia law is now German law.

    I guess an optimist could make the point, at least we don’t have pony up for designer duds, just yards and yards of bedsheets, until they go full on burka, and that could get expensive!

  3. “Officially, polygamy is banned in Germany”

    So is assault, rape and murder. You don’t do anything about those, why should you care about polygamy?

    You should never have re-elected Merkel.

  4. politicians sure are free with the taxpayers money.

    I bet we have welfare recipients that can put that muslim to shame right here in America.

    too bad the msm won’t point that out to the taxpayer.

  5. Organgrinder, I assure you there are examples here, by the boatload. A friend who managed a warehouse in the state just south of me said they had so many muslims working there, they had to install special, low-rise sinks for ball washing prior to prayer time, and of course a special prayer room and special break times, and on and on.

    Anyway, the warehouse manager explained that these guys manage to get over here, then apply to bring their wives and kids. And next, they beg to bring their poor “sister” (actually a wife) who has no husband (like hell she doesn’t!) and her kids. And another. And another. Each “single” female with kids is completely on the dole, i.e., living on your dime.


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