USA Today Wants the Opinion of Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

USA Today Wants the Opinion of Trump Supporters

What a pantload.

I don’t recall anything of this sort being published by these crap left-wing media outlets when Obama was the president.

Would they ever in a million years question people as to “why they support Obama”? Would they assume there were “misconceptions” about them because they support Obama?

It’s so condescending.



USA TODAY Opinion is looking for first-person letters or blogs from the perspective of Trump voters/supporters. We want to highlight your voice, your way.

You can answer one, or more, of the following questions:

  1. Why did you initially back Donald Trump’s presidential bid in 2016, and what has he done to keep your support?
  2. What is the biggest misconception (or assumption) people make when they find out you are a Trump supporter? 
  3. Would you stop supporting President Trump if he did anything in particular? Why? Why not? 

You can submit your letter/blog to, leave a comment on this story page, our Facebook page, or on Twitter using #tellusatoday.

Letters/blogs are edited for accuracy, clarity and length. Submissions of 300 words or fewer have the best chance of being published. Letters must include a name, address and phone number.


HT/ Hot Salsa

Here’s my letter. Think it will be published?


I support Donald Trump because I believe the left’s nominee is a c*nt.

16 Comments on USA Today Wants the Opinion of Trump Supporters

  1. Not a chance in hell I’d touch that. Gannet papers will fuck you through the drive through once they have a sniff on you and all the soros lawyers to back them up when they dog fuck you.

  2. I’ll tell you why, because he is proud to be Pro-American! He left a very comfortable life because he believed we needed a new kind of leader. Instead of using his political office to get rich, his net worth has dropped by a few hundred million because he is doing what needs to be done as POTUS. He fights for us. He has risked his well being, as well as his family’s well being, to do what he believes need to be done and he didn’t see anyone else stepping up to do it. That’s a start, I could go on.

  3. They will get an influx of progressives writing pretending to be conservatives.
    And the worst of the worst will get published.
    It is really a cruel show of journalism.
    Just feed us. We don’t want to dig anymore. We don’t want to do our jobs. Just feed us.

  4. Why did you initially back Donald Trump’s presidential bid in 2016, and what has he done to keep your support?

    Supreme court nomination, tax reductions, killed Obama care. Increase in military spending and the wall. Plus I hear he hates fags.

    What is the biggest misconception (or assumption) people make when they find out you are a Trump supporter?

    That I won’t pick up arms to defend him.

    Would you stop supporting President Trump if he did anything in particular? Why? Why not?

    No. because it would be fake news perpetrated by you. And then I would pick up my arms and start hunting you.

  5. Admit that you are a Trump supporter on public record in print and online? Sounds like a nifty way for the Resistance to track and harass/stalk/affect Trumpsters livelihoods to me. No thanks.

  6. Nobody reads that tripe, even the free one at the hotel. Besides, the only one answering those questions will be there own plants to make Trump supporters look semi-educated and clearly misguided.
    Fur’s right, this is an insult.

  7. Yeah, libs pretending to be Trump supporters make it even less accurate than the polling before the election.

    So be prepared for results like 90% rejection of Trump.

  8. C’mon Gannett, you already have my opinions, thoughts, likes and dislikes, all from Facebook (and I don’t even do FB).

    I don’t know anyone who still subscribes to this rag. I like newspaper (must have real black newspaper ink) to clean streak-free windows and I can’t find a one neighbor who reads a newspaper.

  9. I supported trump because he was not barack or clinton or a professional politician.

    the biggest misconception is that I care what anyone else think about DJT much less your sucky paper or barack or clinton or a professional politican.

    i’ll stop supporting trump if he becomes barack or clinton or a professional politician.

  10. I’m assuming you can just disregard everything except ‘what would it take for you to stop supporting Trump’. Because ultimately that is their goal and they are so angry they have thrown the entire kitchen sink at him over and over and over again and still he has his supporters.


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