Sign at Anti-Gun Rally Shows the Idiocy of the Left – IOTW Report

Sign at Anti-Gun Rally Shows the Idiocy of the Left

There was lots of angry reaction to this on Twitter, but it’s really not the way to counter this sign. Simply tell the author, and the idiots who enjoyed it, that if Barron actually did go to Parkland, the other students would finally enjoy a level of security that politician’s kids enjoy, the kind the everyone else deserves.

The security wouldn’t be a lazy-ass sign saying “this is a gun free zone.”

7 Comments on Sign at Anti-Gun Rally Shows the Idiocy of the Left

  1. Just saw Schumer on TV blabbering on in an outdoor press conference about how the GOP needs to advance the Dem’s gun control bills in Congress. While protected by armed security, of course…

  2. “Demand your Sheriff’s Dept. do THEIR job!”

    “Demand your parents do THEIR job!”

    “Demand your teachers do THEIR job!”

    “Demand the citizenry take their RIGHTS seriously!”

    All of which would have been more sensible signs. 😳

  3. All those guns protecting kids who hate guns. Makes as much sense as all these knowledgeable, wise, mature 15-, 16-, and 17-year-olds telling us exactly what we need to do/think.

  4. I had an epiphany driving into work today. Not sure if I’m repeating myself or if someone has already said this but whatever laws they want to pass regarding buying and owing a gun I want the same law for voting. Both are God given rights according to our founding documents and neither trumps the other.

    You don’t want a convicted felon to own a gun- check they can’t vote either.
    You want a gun buyer to show ID- check same for someone showing up to vote.
    You want a gun buyer to have a back ground check before they buy a gun?- check same background check for a voter and whatever disqualifies one from owning a gun disqualifies one from voting. Why we are at it toss in all the other rights like privacy and search and seizure.

    I’m all for citizens being treated like citizens and law breakers of all stripes being made less than citizens. If equal treatment of rights are applied then libtards might tighten up their intellectual approach to problems facing the nation- that or paint themselves into a disenfranchised corner- either way that would be a win for the Republic.

  5. “If equal treatment of rights are applied then libtards…”
    They need to be told that is exactly what the tyranny will do to them once they allow it to happen.


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