A Tale of the Beta Male – IOTW Report

A Tale of the Beta Male

20 Comments on A Tale of the Beta Male

  1. To those above.
    I think racism is, or nearly, dead. I honestly don’t care what color your skin is, or what gender your claiming today. If you show up on time, do your fair share, all is good. Just “Shut the hell up.” I’m just tired of hearing it. I want someone at anyone at any of the big protests ask, “How many took time off work, to be here today?”….. probably not very many.

  2. One feature I’ve noticed about Beta males – they can swap clothes with their Gf and they fit. Unfortunately, something I have witnessed.

    Also, they always think they are brave by even talking to an alpha. My best friend and I laughed at the beta BF of my GF’s daughter that sat down with us and declared that act as some kind of bravery.

    My friend and I looked at each. Laughed. Shrugged. Whatever. Man up a little, ‘k Sparky?


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