Will You Be Deported? Take This Civics Quiz – IOTW Report

Will You Be Deported? Take This Civics Quiz

100 questions. I set the bar high here. I got 99 right. I have no idea how, I haven’t been in school in 21 years (since I’m 39 years-old. Still.)


46 Comments on Will You Be Deported? Take This Civics Quiz

  1. 99 … somehow I hit the wrong button on which states border Canada … I hit the one w/ New Jersey … duh
    (at least it wasn’t as bad as hitting the button w/ Florida in the answer!)

  2. 97. However,
    “When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?”

    July 4th is the traditional answer, but I’ve read several times that was an arbitrary date and it was actually adopted on July 1.

  3. 90% Admittedly, I’m not good with the remembering the Amendments. Good quiz. I laughed at “how many states are there and ‘57’ was one of the possible answers.

  4. 96 percent. Poll Tax?, Constitution written/ratified. I thought Kasish was the first Post Master. Wrong! His dad was just a mailman. Indian tribes got me. Liz Warren is the only Indian I’m aware of.

  5. 98, but in all fairness it was pretty easy. However, back when I taught high school mathematics I had entire classes of students whose average score would have been right at 25%. They all knew that Obama was the president, but had no idea who the vice president was. Not a single one. Sad.

  6. 96…..what do you mean we don’t celebrate Lady GaGa Day?

    50 years from High School……somethings you never forget.
    Numbers of the amendments was not one of them (after the first 10).

  7. Yeah, multiple choice is an easier test in itself, but when you make the answers so different, you pretty much have to be unconscious to get it wrong. Like, there was only one answer to how many amendments that was in the 20s range. If they put 25? 26? 27? 28? More people would get that wrong.

    I think a lib would have been triggered too much when it got to the questions of What is the name of the President & vice Pres.

    NOT MY PRESIDENT!!!! then rage quit.

    I saw a trick question in #37

    37. What does the judicial branch do?*

    _ Decide the Constitutionality of laws

    _ Authorize military action

    _ Write and pass new legislation

    _ Federal law enforcement

    We all know it’s supposed to be #1. but did anyone else eyeball #3 as a bit true like with O-care and marriage rights for homosexuals, for example?

    I identified as a snowflake when I took the test. So I got score of 110 by giving my score a safe space from being so oppressed having all that reality in my face.

  8. I seriously think a conservative wrote this test. This one was hilarious.

    53. Which is a way that Americans can participate in the U.S. political process?*

    _ publicly defame a political opponent
    _ throw rocks at public offices
    _ commit voter fraud
    _ publicly support or oppose an issue or policy

  9. I think everyone had to get this one wrong because they didn’t offer the correct answer in the options.

    54. When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?*

    April 15th
    December 31st
    January 1st
    April 1st

    No place to put Oct 15 – the real deadline for filing.

    They should have worded it differently if they wanted April 15.

  10. 96. Should have been 97 but I was looking at the correct answer and clicked without moving the cursor.
    Besides, I was laughing at some of the fake answers.
    Throwing rocks at candidates’ windows, Lady Gaga a national holiday. LOL!!

  11. I will pass this with my eyes close . I remember taking my text in New York in English all and I pass it all . Remember the day a the ceremony what a beautiful day for me. I still have my little flag that the people give you in the ceremony I take this flag with me every place I go.God bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  12. This was a proud day for me. I will never forget that day.
    Never receive welfare , never god nothing free,I didn’t came to America to get nothing free I work hard for everything I have. . God bless my beautiful America.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 The land that I love,


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