Did You Know Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is a Racist? Yep- CNN Said So – IOTW Report

Did You Know Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is a Racist? Yep- CNN Said So

Seriously, this is disgusting. CNN should have their license pulled for the kind of crap they pull. This is sleazy and underhanded.


Here’s that shocking inflammatory headline CNN had no problem putting out today: Sources: Zinke tells employees diversity isn’t important

Well holy $hit! If Ryan Zinke tells employees that diversity isn’t important, he must be the biggest racist on the planet, right? That’s certainly what CNN wants you to think with this headline. They were so invested in this crap, that they also tweeted it out.

Now let’s go the the actual article, where they reinforce the idea that Zinke is a diversity-hating racist:

Several employees at the Interior Department have told CNN that Secretary Ryan Zinke repeatedly says that he won’t focus on diversity, an apparent talking point that has upset many people within the agency.

Three high-ranking Interior officials from three different divisions said that Zinke has made several comments with a similar theme, saying “diversity isn’t important,” or “I don’t care about diversity,” or “I don’t really think that’s important anymore.”

That seals it. Anonymous sources say that Raysn Zinke hates diversity, so there can be no doubt he’s what would happen if Hitler and the KKK had a baby. Except the third paragraph in this article tells a radically different story:

Each time, Zinke followed with something along the lines of, “what’s important is having the right person for the right job,” or “I care about excellence, and I’m going to get the best people, and you’ll find we have the most diverse group anyone’s ever had,” the sources said.

Oh, so Ryan Zinke is all about hiring the most qualified people possible? And he believes that getting the best people for the job will lead to a kick ass and diverse agency?

CNN knew damn well that Rayna Zinke isn’t opposed to diversity and that he is not a racist, but they went ahead with this headline anyways. Is this something they learned in journalism school or did they pick this up from click-bait innovators BuzzFeed?


18 Comments on Did You Know Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is a Racist? Yep- CNN Said So

  1. Talking to CNN or any other DemSM should be grounds for immediate dismissal.

    But note that all sources are “anonymous”. Which means that the whole thing is pulled out of thin air, it never happened, except in CNN’s fevered Libtard imagination.

  2. Of course he’s racist! He’s White. He has to be!

    I seem to remember an old saying that says: They’ve lost the argument when they resort to calling you names. So why don’t I feel like we’re winning?
    Maybe the answer is because we are in the middle of a war that is a lot bigger than most people realize!

  3. “Three high-ranking Interior officials from three different divisions …” who should be fired, immediately.

    “Diversity” if NewSpeak for “nihilistically/socialistically infested” and has nothing to do with race, creed, color, or national origin.

    Clean house – get the liars and the thieves out of the bureaucracy.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. But… if hiring the best performing people is racist (misogynist?, transphobic?, exclusionary? — what’s the Right™ word for this two minute’s hate?), that would mean that the accusers know the excluded are… um… what’s the Right™ word for this two minute’s hate?


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