Luckily For This Couple There are “No Restrictions” on 2A – IOTW Report

Luckily For This Couple There are “No Restrictions” on 2A

Dennis Michael Lynch-

Francho S. Bradley, 59, and Adrianne D. Jennings, 40, were taken into custody after Bradley called police to report that someone was attempting to break into their hotel room. Upon responding to the scene, police discovered the weapons.

According to the Lowell Sun, Bradley was not in the hotel room when he called police, and he informed responding officers that he had a firearm in his Residence Inn hotel room.

[He}told investigators that he was on a classified government mission. The weapons stockpile included eight large-capacity guns — including an AK-47 and an AR-15 equipped with a bump stock — a grenade launcher, and a silencer.



Tipster TB wonders if this was a new Las Vegas in the making.

18 Comments on Luckily For This Couple There are “No Restrictions” on 2A

  1. I might be confused here…… So Francho called 50 to complain about some shiite, then 50 shows up and finds multiple weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION in his room…… I do not believe anything anymore.

    or he is the dumbest non-cracker to have EVER lived……

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. “dozens of rounds of ammunition”

    That’s not going to cut it for a Las Vegas style attack. The second amendment mentions nothing about Felons not being able to own a gun. It doesn’t mention mentally challenged people not being able to own a gun. If you truly believe in the second amendment, everyone is strapped. I believe the founders were right. An armed society is a polite society. Mean while I’ll put my range time in.

  3. Brad, I had that argument with someone the other day who claimed to be pro-2nd amendment, but then listed all the people who shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun along with it was a smart thing automatic weapons were illegal.

    That is not what the 2nd amendment says and it is not what our founding fathers meant. Then I’ve been told more than once that I’m nuts. The people should never have let them get away with banning automatic weapons. Yeah, I know it’s still possible to get them, but it’s almost like pulling teeth in order to do so. I also realize they can be easily converted if you know what you’re doing, it’s still though illegal to do so.

  4. Old Racist White Woman

    We are on the same page. If we all desire to live by the second amendment than let’s do it the way it was written. You’ll be shocked at the drop in so called Gun Violence.

  5. I was not polled about the 2nd Amendment. Nobody asked me if I wanted it cut from the Constitution, and I am a legal, legit citizen by birth. I don’t carry a gun and I don’t really know how to shoot one, but by golly I do want good guys around me who do carry and who do know how to shoot the bad guys who may be around to threaten my life. And who will have the patriotic guts to fight back against armed government tyranny. 2nd Amendment stays and gets used when necessary!

  6. Having never been in the military, how accurate can you be with a RPG, or a grenade launcher? I’m thinking if you could put a grenade through a 4 foot X 4 foot window from 150-200 yards out that would be pretty handy to have. Does it take much practice? Just asking for a friend.

  7. “I don’t carry a gun and I don’t really know how to shoot one”

    There’s probably a reader here that lives close enough to you to solve that problem. If you live in Northern California I will do it. And buy you lunch. LOL.

  8. Maryland tried its best to not give any of us guns but i just jumped through all the bullshit regulations and bought everything they were gunna ban before sb281 went through so problem solved for me. I just wish i could carry in my state like i can in most the surrounding ones. Communist MD

  9. Talk of 2A repeal is wasted air. That stallion was never in the stall and Barney Fife could never catch it.
    If Uncle Sam tried to collect guns by force, everything we ever knew would melt away. Not going to happen.

  10. @ Matty,
    I left Maryland over 20 years ago on purpose! Even then I had to wait three days to take possession of my 10″ Super Blackhawk…. I too am a 2a purist. I worked (albeit briefly) at the local Cabelas in their “Gun Library” buying and selling used firearms. For the most part it was a pretty fun PT job, but I was often surprised (or more accurately) I often surprised customers with my opinions about gun ownership. “shall not be infringed…” is pretty straightforward.
    I would really like to add a 1918A2 to my collection but $40K is a tad rich.
    Oh! and to tRuth, what BB said, but in the Commonwealth of VA..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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