#NeverTrump Goon Outlines How To Primary Trump in 2020 – IOTW Report

#NeverTrump Goon Outlines How To Primary Trump in 2020

Sidebar: This Michael Murphy goon has one of the worst heads of hair I have ever seen.

Here are some excerpts from Politiho where this bullethead with sprigs even gleefully muses that a midterm defeat might do the trick in dispatching Trump.


How to Primary Trump in 2020

Elected Republican officials keep asking me if it’s possible. It won’t be easy. We should try anyway.

“Could Donald Trump be, um, primaried?” That’s the whispered question I hear more often than you might think from plenty of exhausted Republican elected officials, particularly after a long week of dodging reporters looking for comment on the president’s latest antics. “I mean, he’s just killing us!” they say, before hustling away to safety.

Any Trump primary isn’t about polling data today, it’s about polling data in late 2019. What could make those 2019 numbers far different than today’s? A Republican wipeout in the 2018 midterms. Such a disaster, which is certainly now possible, would destroy Trump’s brand as a “winner” and smash the GOP’s D.C. apparat.

Could there be a hurricane of future Stormys, or an “et tu Trumpus” moment from the long-suffering Melania? Will the stock market cave, ruining the Republicans’ economic success message? Will a trade war break out, with China acting on its threats to crush American exports—from GOP farm states—of pork and soybeans? Will there be a military crisis with North Korea or Iran, and will it hurt or help Commander in Chief Trump?

We simply don’t know, but if major political defeat, legal scandal, internal party warfare and growing economic distress does erupt, the 2019 primary soil could become far more fertile. How might a Trump challenger best take advantage of it?

It’s far too early to name names, but for a tested, highly competent potential contender with immaculate conservative credentials, I’d keep an eye on political developments in Utah.



44 Comments on #NeverTrump Goon Outlines How To Primary Trump in 2020

  1. I think Mitt is going to run (for something, anyway). Saw Mitt on some other site this morning pretending to be a conservative, so he’s trying to fool people again – which means he’s planning on running for something.

  2. Republicans cited by this smarmy, snarky, impossibly homely rectal clown, if they exist, are the ones who should be swept from the “primary soil”.

    DAMN!! Almost all these aforementioned clowns even LOOK the part!

  3. “[F]or a tested, highly competent potential contender with immaculate conservative credentials”

    In 2019? It’s a long time to struggle on unemployment. But, if you’re sure it will come through on time, I hear Hillary’s resting up.

  4. Spitting image of Zippy The Pinhead. I mean, he’s ready to star in the full length live-action movie adaptation.
    This can’t be genetic accident. This guy has to have spent hours in front of the mirror for this.
    Maybe some plastic surgery to reshape the skull.

    All these Lefties (including the nevertrumpers) always look like some kind of deformed caricature of a comic book villain. Either vintage Dick Tracy or vintage Bob Kane/ Batman.

    That’s a whole new Meme Series right there, Fur.
    “Name The Super Villain” each Commie reminds us of.
    Weenie NaziMuppet ™ David Hogg looks exactly like a Chester Gould villain. Tim Kaine looks like another.
    Shmuck Schumer has always reminded me of The Penguin. Even has the glasses.

    This just begs for an ongoing side by side photo series.

  5. “I mean, he’s just killing us!” they say, before hustling away to safety.

    They know we don’t like RINO’s and after getting the house, the senate and the white house we are now going after them. President Trump needs our support even more.

  6. The never Trumpers can’t stand winning. They’re too familiar with losing and long for the days they were lying to conservative voters while lining their pockets with leftist big money.

  7. Michael Murphy is a long-time country club, fart-huffing, abortion-loving, acela corridor-riding, cocktail-circuit, media-loving, red state-hating, political piece of shit that all the “good” republicans like to hire.

    Did I say piece of shit, sorry, meant to say operative.

  8. There is a point where you ask for the Number 1 guard on the clippers and take the hair off. I know, it’s what I did and continue to do. Very liberating. And very cooling in summer.

  9. This dope ran a PAC for Jeb that burned through $100 million.

    It’s parasites like him that are what’s wrong with politics. There is no right or wrong for them only strategy.

  10. The media gives these people exposure because they contribute to the end goal of Trump-fatigue, as that tactic worked with W. I doubt it is going to work for two reasons: 1) Trump keeps winning, and 2) the Democrat Party is in shambles and won’t recover by 2020.

    Thanks BFH for keeping tabs on these traitors.

  11. I have an idea. Maybe if the GOP were to run, say, 15 or so people against Trump in the primaries one of them may beat him.

    What? You say they did that last time and it didn’t work?

    I hope they try it again. They will be no more successful this time than they were the last and maybe they will finally get the idea that we are mighty pissed off at them.


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