Actor Ed Helms is an Absolute Jerk – IOTW Report

Actor Ed Helms is an Absolute Jerk

This dickweed is in the movie Chappaquiddick. Variety has a story about how producer Byron Allen was pressured by powerful people not to make or release his film.

During the interviews with cast members, this is what this garbage truck juice of a human says-


Ed Helms tackles the role of Joe Gargan, an attorney and Kennedy cousin. Helms talked about how the film compares to the current scandals and alleged cover-ups surrounding the Trump administration. He said “Chappaquiddick” shows how the Kennedys could shape the narrative of the accident. “Now, it just feels like such a chaotic soup of news or counter-news or fake news all the time,” Helms said. “It’s hard to kind of know what’s real and what’s not.”

He added, “What’s really unnerving about the way Trump doesn’t take responsibility for things is that [it’s] hard to hold him accountable for those things.”


What the hell does Chappaquiddick have to do with Trump?

What has Trump done that is even remotely in the ballpark of what the LION OF THE SENATE did?

And what does that last line even mean?? “It’s hard to hold him accountable for things he doesn’t take responsibility for”? That’s called BEING INNOCENT of your goofy charges, ya moron.

These people are despicable.

Drop dead, in pain, Ed Helms.



30 Comments on Actor Ed Helms is an Absolute Jerk

  1. Dropping in a pot shot at Trump at every opportunity is a requirement for Hollywood lowlifes.
    Never heard of this douche bag. It’s been a plus for me to ignore all the goings on in that world.

  2. When Trump drives Stormy into a pond and leaves her to die, Hollywood will comment………..Maxine will try to impeach……and Melania might get a divorce. Until then, the democrats can hang on to the fable that Ted was really a good guy and MaryJo was lucky to have been in his company.

  3. You know something Mr. Helms? There will NEVER be lines of people wrapped around the outside of a movie theater waiting to buy tickets for a movie with you in it.
    You’re a second rate nobody with a head swelled like a balloon. In 5 years time you’ll be scrubbing public toilets and the closest you’ll be to a theater will be a part time job picking chewing gum off the bottoms of the seats.

  4. The man is legit in a movie about how Ted Kennedy drowned his pregnant girlfriend, covered it up, and then proceeded to be elected into office multiple times, but somehow he’s still all caught up in the Trumpocalypse? /smh

  5. “It’s hard to kind of know what’s real and what’s not.”

    that’s easy.

    allegations against trump have yet to be proven true.

    the allegations against kennedy are true.

    the movie you were just in was a make believe version of a true story.

    your job was to pretend.

  6. fdr in hell (SITTING NEXT TO TED KENNEDY) FDR certainly had his “foibles” but IMHO, in a just world, Teddy belongs several layers deeper. Perhaps in the same room with the Communist dictators he tried to enlist to make him President. Speaking of collusion!

  7. I hope leftist far and wide read Helm’s quote and go see the movie. Not only will it be good for ticket sales, but they’ll forget all about what this idiot thinks is the movies hidden meaning and come to the truth about what an sack of crap Ted Kennedy was his whole life.

  8. Never heard of this guy, but is there any way he can be unpaid for his role? We need to realize (by now) that American Communists are all in lockstep (thanks to bho). We can either wait them out & pray for their conversions, OR we can hunt them down and shoot to kill.

  9. In terms of Hollyweird imbecility, he’s a fukkin jeenyus!

    He turned it around without any prompting – showed no shame in being a lying sack of shit – and completely diverted any attention from the fact that Teddy was a murderer.

    Not bad … not bad …

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. “He said “Chappaquiddick” shows how the Kennedys could shape the narrative of the accident. ”

    Could ‘shape the narrative’, because of the Left’s cooperation in deceit to advance their cause. Carrying the water is required for ‘journalists’, and ‘actors’.

  11. I don’t know how you can pull Trump into a story about a man that sentenced a woman to death simply to selfishly save himself. Trump got away with what? Locker room talk with another man over a decade ago? Consensual sex over a decade ago? Not only was Kennedy never punished he was able to be a senator and run for POTUS. I don’t consider this a ‘scandal’ or the Chappaquiddick incident as Dems refer to it. It was a crime, just because the courts let him walk on a leaving the scene charge doesn’t mean he isn’t a murderer.

  12. When Hollyweird dropped their veil and began calling conservative flyover country stupid, I decided that to give my hard earned $$ to those destroying the Country would prove them correct. I may be a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them. Since then I can count on one hand (and that hand is missing a digit) the number of times I’ve gone to a movie theater (An American Carol [which the theater actually sold us tickets to Cars to keep the box office count low for American Carol], Dinesh D’Souza’s America: Imagine The World Without Her & Hillary’s America and American Sniper).

  13. Question for Ed Helms

    Seeing as how you are working on a movie that shows beyond any doubt that Ted Kennedy got away with AT LEAST manslaughter aggravated by a charge of obstructing justice .. which would put any other American citizen in prison for at least seven years

    And seeing as how every Democrat knew this and yet they still had the gall to hound Nixon out of office to “restore the rule of law”, which makes the whole damn party a gaggle of pathological liars ….. How can you be mouthing even more of their bullshit? Without having your brain implode, that is

  14. I’m currently playing music with a couple of liberal Trump haters. Last night at rehearsal we agreed to not talk politics. Of course they always have to bring it up and I always have to reply. It has become SOOOOOO easy to debate them as they NEVER have the evidence to justify their claims. I continuously pummel them with logic and their heads cannot take it. (These people are not stupid, both have “degrees” and one is a professor.) I had the non-professor agreeing to the Libertarian axiom so now I can move forward with converting him by pointing out his cognitive dissonances in the future. Stay tuned . . .

  15. He was in a movie that had decent reviews so some fucktards keep casting him in new movies and it only makes those movies suck donkey balls. They should invent a filtering for movie searches where you can filter out specific actors. Put Him on the top of the list to be filtered out.

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