Cop shot him dead. The officer must have thought he was black.
What a job. You have to deal with deranged people. And if that stupid, deranged, or felonious piece of crap happens to be black or illegal, now you’re life is forever changed because of stupid, deranged and felonious activists that try to ruin your life.
ht/ all too much
I’m starting to think Cops should go back to wheel guns.
Was the perp’s clip limited to 10 rounds?
Wouldn’t want his weapon to be illegal…
The driver must have been feeling suicidal. He got out of the car with a concealed weapon. He let the police officer see it with out firing a shot himself. Is a classic example of “suicide by cop”.
Yep, that’s good ol’ Pasa-“get down”-dena, all right.
Suicide by cop, just some guy out and about on his first ever LSD trip or an innocent guy who, 15 minutes ago took a nasty fall and is legally out of his mind because of the thump on his noggin I don’t care.
The police make society that much more safe and they are doing a job that I don’t want to do. I want them to go home to their families at the end of a shift.
Doesn’t make sense, but the cop seemed justified.
Time between car full stopped to shots fired 10 sec.
Perp down by 30 sec.
Life really can change in less than a New York Minute.
Be safe, be smart, and always be alert.
I’m glad the officer had his weapon drawn smartly when the perp came out of the car with one hand hidden.
Am especially glad the officer got to go home that day.
And the MSM wonder why some LE over-react.
The members of the military know that they will be pulled off the line eventually, yet the LE have to go and do their job day after day, year after year.
G-d Bless them. And their families.
This was terrible. 13 shots, bullets ricocheting off the perps car. A pedestrian to the left. On oncoming car that I would be shocked didn’t have bullet holes in it. Thats not the way any of this is suppose to work. He’s less then 15 yards and he can’t put one of two in the CNS? Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad the cop went home that night. But damn most these LEO need a lot more training.
I’m hearing We had a similar incident in the Keys Yesterday
Guy rolled His car…and when being helped out of it
he grabbed the Cops Taser….Bang.
Impressed with Policeman’s 6th sense. Saved his life. Had weapon drawn in no time. Good thing he did. Shocked to see car in background stop and back up. Very few drivers have situational awareness.
Our kids and grandkids were on the highway going north when that happened. They were nearly the last car to get off the Keys. Still don’t have a complete story. Your’s is the most info we could get. If you have a link to a story, please post it. I’ll keep checking back.
ooda ooda ooda
One would think that a white guy would have more sense. Who knows why the cop stopped him in the first place. Probably suicide by cop, ask and you shall receive.
Read the story here:
The guy was a Mexican, 44 years old and the gun was stolen.
Anyone notice the chemtrail?
Whitest black dude I’ve seen in a while.
Good on the young officer, that happened fast.
Dam good thing he wasn’t pure breed negro.
I would have to call Revrum Notso Sharpton.
Phrase of the day,
“Trigger Isolation”.