CNN’s BIAS is beyond ridiculous at this point – – IOTW Report

CNN’s BIAS is beyond ridiculous at this point –


Kennedy women during Presidency – “Legendary love life. Proof of charisma.” Clinton rapes – “You know, boys will be boys ;-)” Trump decade old affair – “Stop the news cycle! Surely this MUST disqualify him!” SMH at the hypocritical embarrassment CNN has become.

So you care more about Trumps affairs outside of the presidency than you care about Kennedy’s MANY affairs IN the white house? And you wonder why ppl view you as extremely biased and partisan? That’s some extreme hypocrisy. What happened to journalistic integrity?

JFK was a serial abuser of women before and IN the White House. Yet that makes him “legendary.” Guess all it takes is a Democrat party label to get the whitewash treatment.

regarding JFK’s “legendary love life” while he was IN OFFICE compared to their wall-to-wall coverage of Trump’s alleged daliances many years before his political career began is simply astounding.

 !snip! —> Story

Also, enough with the Martin Sheen narrating anything that has to do with the Kennedy Klan.

He is NOT a Kennedy, never will be a Kennedy, and the only time a Kennedy would ever have a Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez anywhere near their circle would be to cut the lawn.

16 Comments on CNN’s BIAS is beyond ridiculous at this point –

  1. Ah, what is it about casting out the beam from your own eye before complaining about the cinder in your neighbor’s eye….? ….smile….
    (Frankly, it is a tough act — for all of us.) ….Lady in Red

  2. He lived in a different time and place in America, and he was extremely well connected socially. His father taught him how to be a first class philanderer, and was very proud of his conquests. I’ve read that the old man tried to pick up his sons’ girlfriends at the dinner table in front of his wife, Rose. Like Father like Sons. Legendary!

    Remember a while back, when Robert Kennedy, Junior lost his diary with all the women he had slept with listed along with his guilty feelings for cheating on his faithful wife? You know, the one who hanged herself after years of putting up with the legendary Kennedy Family.

  3. “It’s the hypocrisy stupid.” It’s not just cnn but the entire left and their propaganda machine. Every damn day they have some new b/s story bashing Trump while ignoring far worse from their “chosen” people.

  4. For some reason, I am reminded of the famous “Jaws” poster. Maybe it’s the color. Maybe it’s because the house looks like it’s underwater. At least it’s right side up.

  5. If done by a Democrat it is good-NO MATTER WHAT!
    Byrd KKK
    The Kennedy clan fucking interns, reporters, starlets, …
    Clinton fucking interns, starlets….

  6. All of the above. 👍

    Re: Martin Sheen. He’s been a Kennedy since 1974, when he played Bobby Kennedy in ‘Missiles of October’ with gold peddler William Devane as JFK. Big swinging dick JFK stared down Kruschev and Castro and saved us during the Cuban missile crisis, ya see. I was forced to watch that sham story by a college professor.

  7. JFK was assassinated by a commie almost 55 years ago. If you were old enough to actually vote for him, you started collecting social security a decade ago.

    Let it effin’ go.

    Camelot isn’t coming back no matter which bucktoothed, Masshole accent having runoff that didn’t stain the felt on the the billiards table is keeping the dream alive by peddling Morgan & Morgan or drugged driving into a concrete barrier at 3 AM.

  8. I am reminded of the “John F. Kennedy Jr. Screen Saver.”

    You clicked on it and at first all you saw was a blue tint across the entire screen. Then about five or ten seconds into it a little fish would swim across the screen, then a few bubbles, another small fish, etc.

    Cracked me up! Another fine example of the Kennedy hubris… No I’m not instrument rated, but that doesn’t matter, I’m a Kennedy!


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